Breakroom Chats

All About vSphere+ | Breakroom Chats Episode 2

vSphere Breakroom Chats Episode 2

For this episode of our vlog series, we meet Chandra Prathuri, Senior Director of Product Management for vSphere. Chandra led the definition of vSphere+, a new cloud-enabled version of vSphere that was recently released and introduces a new way to provision, manage, and consume virtual infrastructure. Watch this breakroom chat to get a better sense of why we created it and what’s in store for the future:

  • Why did we build vSphere+?
  • What excites Chandra the most about vSphere+?
  • Why might customers be interested in vSphere+?
  • What’s in store for the future of vSphere+?

Watch our conversation here:

Interested in learning more about vSphere+? Here are some resources to check out:

Missed the previous vSphere Breakroom Chats episode? Check it out here: Episode 1