
VCAP – Upgrade on the same solution track

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Click here for see all the paths to acquire VCP & VCAP (VCIX) certification.


If you already have VCAP, and would like to acquire another VCAP, you can do so by going through the Upgrade method.


On this post, I would like to show the Upgrade on the same solution track.


You can take the newer version of VCAP in the same solution track without taking another corresponding VCP certification. You can upgrade one version as well as two version or more of your active VCAP. Below is the overall image.


Note: The following certification(s) has not been released yet (as of July, 2018). It is shown in the diagram as just an example.

  • VCAP6.5-DCV Deploy
  • VCAP7-DTM Deploy
  • VCAP7-CMA Deploy


So the guidelines here are:

  • Able to acquire the newer version of VCAP in the same solution track without corresponding VCP
  • Capable of having One-version as well as Two-version or more version upgrade
  • Can upgrade to either Deploy (Administration) or Design certification regardless of the active VCAP in the same solution track
  • Acquiring the new VCAP certification will extend/re-certify the existing active VCP certification


Also, even with expired VCP, since VCAP will NOT expire, it is still possible to upgrade VCAP in the same solution track.


Let me show you some examples.


The diagram below is upgrade from the active VCAP4-DCA to VCAP6.5-DCV Deploy. This upgrade is possible with Two-version or more upgrade. This will also re-certify the active VCP and extend the expiration date for another 2 years.


The diagram below is upgrade from the active VCAP6-CMA Design to VCAP7-CMA Deploy. This upgrade is possible from Design certification to Deploy certification.


The diagram below is upgrade from the active VCAP5-DCA to VCAP6.5-DCV Design, with VCP already expired. This upgrade is possible from Administration certification to Design certification. VCAP is still be certified but since VCP is already expired, there is no VCP re-certification taking place.


See you at the next post!

(The above paths and requirements are as of July, 2018. These can be changed without prior notice.)