Based on the incredible amount of interest on VSAN at VMworld the numerous questions regarding system performance and VSAN specific statistics I wanted to share a couple of utilities that can be used to gain visibility into VSAN performance metrics and counters for what’s going one of the golden nuggets included with vSphere 5.5 is the packaging and support of the Ruby vSphere Console. The Ruby vSphere Console (RVC) is an interactive command interface based on the Ruby programming language and the RbVmomi binding APIs for vSphere. RVC is now part of both Windows and Linux versions of vCenter Server 5.5. RVC can now be used to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot vSphere. In vSphere 5.5 RVC ships with a number of Virtual SAN (VSAN) built-in functionalities with focus on:
- VSAN Configuration
- VSAN Health Monitoring
- VSAN Disks Statistics
- VSAN Performance Statistics
- VSAN Observer
The VSAN Observer is an RVC experimental graphical user interface utility which displays VSAN related statistics from a VSAN Client perspective. The utility can be used to understand VSAN performance characteristics. The utility is intended to provide deeper insights of VSAN performance characteristics and analytics. The VSAN Observer’s user interface displays performance information of the following items:
- Statistics of the physical disk layer
- Deep dive physical disks group details
- CPU Usage Statistics
- Consumption of VSAN memory pools
- Physical and In-memory object distribution across VSAN clusters
Below is a brief demo of the VSAN Observer UI and some of the different screens and information it provides.
VSAN Observer Demo
Much more to come on this topic.
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