Product Announcements

Technical Marketing Update 2012 – Week 13

By Duncan Epping, Principal Architect.

Technical Marketing Update 2012 – Week 13

A short update this time, most members of the Technical Marketing group were in Palo Alto last week. I am certain though we will have a lot more posts upcoming week because of that! 

Blog posts: 

  • VASA, Profile Driven Storage & RDMs – Heads Up (Cormac Hogan)
  • Slight change in "restart" behavior for HA with vSphere 5.0 Update 1 (Duncan Epping) 
  • Automating the creation of vCD Provider VDCs (Alan Renouf) 
  • Free ESXi Hypervisor – Auto Start Breaks with 5.0 Update 1 (Kyle Gleed) 
  • Debunking Storage I/O Control Myths (Cormac Hogan)
  • Creating Custom Metadata using the vCloud API (William Lam) 
  • Update: VMware vCloud Director DR paper available in Kindle / iBooks format! (Duncan Epping)
  • NFS and the vCD Appliance (Tom Stephens)
  • How to Create Bootable ESXi 5 ISO & Specifying Kernel Boot Options (William Lam)