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Community-Inspired Innovation at Open Source Summit EU 2022

Dublin is known for Trinity College, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the Guinness Storehouse, and this September 13-16, the Linux Foundation will be there to host Open Source Summit Europe! Open Source Summit North America was a resounding hit this year, and the European edition is sure to be another exciting event.

We’re thrilled to be a part of this thriving community and can’t wait to meet, greet, listen and learn with all OSS EU attendees. Find us in the Expo at booth S21, the Hallway track or at one of the sessions listed below.

Cloud Native Security for the Rest of Us
Tuesday, September 13 | 9:55 – 10:35am IST
Cloud native security is a vast field, and it would be impossible to cover it entirely in less than an hour. That’s why Tiffany Jernigan, a developer advocate at VMware, is mapping it out into three key areas:

  1. Platform
  2. User management and permissions
  3. Software supply chain

At the end of this session, you’ll leave with a great appreciation of the enormity of cloud native security plus some great resources to help you manage it.

Improving Package Repository Security – From White Papers to Practice
Tuesday, September 13 | 9:55 – 10:35am IST
Modern security demands are constantly changing, making it difficult for community package repositories, such as PyPl and NPM, to keep up. What obstacles are preventing the integration of modern security practices? And why are community repositories more susceptible to falling behind compared to general software projects? Former VMware open source software engineer Jussi Kukkonen will illustrate modern security hurdles and offer a potential solution, Repository Playground, that allows communities to collaborate and define best practices and workflows.

Secure Python Packaging & Release Using Continuous Deployment
Tuesday, September 13 | 2:10 – 3:45pm IST
Security should be a crucial component of every open source project release, but often releases are ad hoc and aren’t completely secure. This session, presented by VMware open source software engineer Martin Vrachev and Jussi Kukkonen, will outline Python specifically and offer a tutorial on how to use continuous deployment systems to release Python projects easily and securely. Martin and Jussi will explain GitHub and GitLab security features, build reproducibility, verifying releases with sigstore and more.

Composing the Ultimate SBOM
Tuesday, September 13 | 4:15 – 4:55pm IST
Audience feedback is encouraged at Ivana Atanasova and Velichka Atanasova’s SPDX SBOM composition tool proof-of-concept demo. A software bill of materials (SBOM) has great potential to track vulnerabilities; however, many of these tools are inventorying software post-build, meaning they can miss build and dependency metadata that limits the compliance and security benefits of an SBOM. Ivana and Velichka’s composition tool uses a sum-of-parts approach to create component-level micro-SBOMs that can be stitched together to compose one high-level SBOM. Check out their composition tool in action and offer your feedback at this lively session!

Kubetest2: Because Now You Can Test Kubernetes on Your Bespoke Cloud Too!
Wednesday, September 14 | 2:20 – 3pm IST
VMware open source engineer Priyanka Saggu’s session is all about Kubetest2! You’ll learn about its architecture, evolution from Kubetest and its benefits, plus a few compelling reasons why you should consider using a bespoke Kubetest2 deployer. To demonstrate Kubetest2’s capabilities, Priyanka will run it through a demo that illustrates how to develop a custom deployer for your own cloud provider.

How the Lessons of COVID-19 Are Helping to Improve Healthcare Delivery
Wednesday, September 14 | 4:40 – 5:20pm IST
The pandemic necessitated rapid adoption and widespread use of various technological innovations, such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) messaging to aid in contact tracing. Lessons learned during the COVID era are continuing through Linux Foundation Public Health projects, including an open source messaging platform called Herald. Originally created to support BLE, Herald is now being used to assist patient monitoring and safety, tracking hospital equipment and soon to aid with in-hospital navigation. VMware Advisory Platform Architect Adam Fowler will look ahead to the future of healthcare delivery, wearables, Herald and more.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome to Become a Conference Speaker!
Thursday, September 15 | 11 – 11:40am IST
Public speaking is no easy task. Often imposter syndrome, or when one feels doubt about their own abilities or success, gets in the way of speakers feeling confident about their upcoming conference presentations. Dawn Foster, VMware’s Director of Open Source Community Strategy, will offer sage advice on how to silence your inner critic and plan the most interesting open source conference talk. Dawn’s tips will cover how to pick a topic and make it stand out, make your authentic voice shine and provide your attendees with newfound insights, and more.

Security With Certificates in Kubernetes
Thursday, September 15 | 11:55am – 12:35pm IST
Certificates are an integral component to a secure Kubernetes cluster deployment. In this session, VMware technical staff members Akshat Khanna and Unnati Mishra will discuss certificates and keys and their various cluster functions concerning security and identity to all Kubernetes components.

Peeling Back the Layers of Storage
Thursday, September 15 | 11:55am – 12:35pm IST
Starting from basic storage layers and moving all the way up to a full-layer system, John Hawley will lead attendees on a journey through the increasing complexity of Linux storage options. This session is a high-level overview that will cover systems, block, volume and filesystems. In addition, John will leave you with how-tos on achieving fly disk compression and deduplication and using various technologies to achieve similar ends.

How to Build Trustworthy AI With Open Source
Thursday, September 15 | 3 – 3:40pm IST
AI is no longer just a plot in futuristic movies. AI is happening here and now, and open source engineers Diana Atanasova and Teodora Sechkova will present on how to ensure that AI systems behave in a trustworthy manner. At this session, you can expect to learn about the trusted AI ecosystem, and you’ll see a few open source projects in action and how they promote accountability and trustworthiness in your system.

Diversity in Open Source, an Asian Perspective
Thursday, September 15 | 4:10 – 4:50pm IST
The open source community greatly benefits when its members are from diverse cultural and geographic backgrounds. The convergence of different perspectives brings incredible value, and one way to encourage this is through diverse teams. At this session, Masae Shida will discuss her personal and professional experiences in Japan and her observations about linguistic and cultural barriers to achieving great diversity in open source.

Bootiful Kubernetes Operators
Friday, September 16 | 3:55 – 4:35pm IST
YAML fills many developers with dread. But it doesn’t have to be the bane of your existence! Developer advocates Josh Long and Tiffany Jernigan will show attendees how to eliminate YAML and extend and automate Kubernetes with Spring Boot and Spring Native-powered customer operators.

Simple Steps for a Calm “Sunset”
Friday, September 16 | 4:50 – 5:30pm IST
No open source project lives forever. Sometimes they’re not widely adopted or resources shift to other endeavors or they’re replaced by other great ideas. Senior Open Source Program Manager Stefka Dimitrova will discuss how to sunset a project as smoothly and with as little frustration as possible. You’ll leave with practical tips on how to learn from deprecated projects, how to plan the launch and deprecation effectively, and how to be a responsible open source member and communicate a project’s sunset process.

Register for OSS Europe to add these talks to your schedule. This event is an excellent opportunity to connect with open source peers, learn from each other and discover new technologies and excel at existing ones together. We hope to see you there!

Stay tuned to the Open Source Blog and follow us on Twitter for more deep dives into the world of open source contributing.