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Evolve Your Automation Journey with vRealize Automation Cloud

Automate like a Service Provider – Part I


From IT Operator to IT Service Provider

Much of the industry narrative around cloud, positions public cloud services as the solution to bring agility, scale, and flexibility to today’s enterprises. In many cases, the assumption is that these benefits can only be realized through the consumption of services from one of the hyper-scale cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP, and others).

This glosses over the benefits that can be realized by simply adopting some of the same processes that allow the hyper-scale providers to operate and innovate at the rate and scale that they do. In fact, many enterprises are much closer to being able to deliver these same benefits on their existing platforms then they realize.


Cloud Automation

The proven path to operate more like a cloud provider (commonly referred to as a cloud-operating model) is virtualization > standardization > automation > orchestration. Most enterprises today have been very successful with virtualization, have gone some way to standardization and have pockets of automation and orchestration. Finishing that journey can bring huge benefits to an enterprise.

Simply consuming services from a public cloud provider is an option, but one that circumvents the processes, policies, and governance that have been put in place for your enterprise to protect you and your customers.


Evolve Your Automation Journey with vRealize Automation Cloud

vRealize Automation Cloud can help you take your environment to the next level. By completing your automation journey, so that service provisioning is automated end-to-end, you can offer those services as catalog items – via API or portal – to users who can get the speed and convenience of self-service and automated provisioning without the risks associated with going around the IT department to an external provider.



vRealize Automation Cloud by VMware provides all of the functionality to take your enterprise data centers and operate them more like a cloud provider. Automate everything, including governance. Curate content. Offer self-service. Instead of moving to an entirely new platform where you may not have the correct tools, skillsets or protection you can take your existing platforms and add the required agility and speed.

You are already halfway there! Let vRealize Automation Cloud help get you over the finish line and provide your own cloud operating model.

Oh, and if you still decide to use public cloud services for certain functionality, vRealize Automation Cloud can manage and govern many of those too.


Next Steps

The Cloud Operating Model – define the operational processes required to execute on your cloud strategy.

The Importance of a Cloud Strategy – Keep your cloud strategy simple, flexible and effective with this easy to use guide.

To Cloud or Not To Cloud – Factors to consider when evaluating brokering public cloud services versus creating private or hybrid cloud services.

Evolve Your Automation Journey – Automate like a Cloud Service Provider Part I. Take the next step in the journey from IT Operations to IT Service Provider with automation and orchestration.

Mature the Delivery of IT Services – Automate like a Cloud Service Provider Part II. How to build IT Services.