Workspace ONE Intelligence

Workspace ONE Intelligence for Consumer Apps: The All-In-One Solution for Your Mobile App Issues

Mobile is neck-in-neck with the desktop as people’s preferred way to access information and perform transactions. With this growth in usage, the number of apps being made available to users is increasing significantly.

However, many apps fail to deliver a great user experience. Apps tend to perform well during testing. But, in the real world—with a wide variety of devices, different carriers and constantly changing operating system versions—it is challenging to deliver a consistent and pleasant user experience.

For your mobile business to succeed, it is crucial to have visibility into your app performance, and in turn, the impact on your end users. This will help you build the required steps into the app development lifecycle to achieve continuous improvement.

Workspace ONE Intelligence for Consumer Apps (the successor to Apteligent that we launched last year) helps mobile developers, operations and business teams to monitor and manage the performance and business success of their mobile apps. This solution provides granular transaction performance and diagnostic data, enabling teams to proactively identify and fix user experience issues that have the biggest impact on revenue.

Workspace ONE Intelligence for Consumer Apps delivers insights into all aspects of mobile network monitoring and responsiveness, including:

  • App, OS and device-level metrics
  • Carrier and network metrics
  • User-level metrics
  • Cloud service metrics
  • Mobile user flow metrics

App Adoption and Engagement

Monitor changes in your app adoption and engagement using metrics such as App Loads, Daily Active Users (DAU), Monthly Active Users (MAU) and DAU/MAU ratio. These metrics will give you visibility into the users returning to your app or adoption of a new app release. When there is a change in your app’s user behavior metrics, you can connect it with the app performance functionalities provided by Workspace ONE Intelligence for Consumer apps to identify which issues could be causing a decline in engagement.

App Performance

Crash and Handled Exception Reporting

The Workspace ONE Intelligence SDK automatically captures fatal errors (crashes) and non-fatal errors (handled exceptions). Get detailed stack traces, diagnostic data and breadcrumbs that will help you identify where and why problems are occurring. Our advanced crash grouping eliminates the need to sift through thousands of stack traces that have the same root cause. Workspace ONE Intelligence for Consumer Apps simplifies impact analysis by grouping crashes with similar root cause so you can prioritize by the impact on business and number of users affected.

When an application crashes or freezes during key moments of a user’s session, it is the most frustrating experience for the user, which can reduce conversion rate and increase churn. Monitor key metrics such as your crash rates and help development teams fix issues quickly and devote time to building new features as well.

Network Call Monitoring

Picture the following situation: your user is at home trying to order groceries for the next morning from your mobile app. They see an http error, terminate the app and try again. They see the same error, now out of annoyance and urgency they move to another app. You have just lost a customer!

Don’t let network issues be the cause of churn. Workspace ONE Intelligence for Consumer Apps helps you monitor all service and API metrics down to the endpoints on which the app runs. Get response times, error rate, data bandwidth and request volume for both your and third-parties’ services.

User Behavior

User Flows

Every app contains a set of key mobile moments (e.g., registering a new account, login, purchase) that can either delight or upset a user. To keep your users engaged, you must focus your team on the most important flows in your app to ensure they are delivering the expected user experience. When a user flow fails, your team needs visibility into the root cause, so they can resolve the issue quickly.

Workspace ONE Intelligence for Consumer Apps User Flows feature will help you proactively monitor, prioritize and troubleshoot the most critical user interactions within your application. Set usernames and connect which users are experiencing issues within these important flows. Prioritize crashes occurring during these flows that could be impacting your business bottom line. Out of the box you will get your App Load/App Start user flow metrics along with the Average App Load/App start time.

That’s a wrap!

As you can see, Workspace ONE Intelligence for Consumer Apps can become an important part of your mobile strategy helping you deliver high quality mobile app experiences. Get your apps to market faster and focus on innovating, rather than spending all the time just fixing issues.

For more information, visit the Workspace ONE Intelligence for Consumer apps site, watch our product mobile app analytics demo video, or try it out yourself.