Apps By Product Desktops Featured VMware Horizon Cloud

Achieve HIPAA & PCI Compliance With VDI

As part of our ongoing blog series about transforming security with desktop virtualization, we’re excited to announce that the VMware Horizon Cloud Service with Hosted Infrastructure is now HIPAA and PCI compliant. Throughout this blog, we’ll discuss the value of using virtual desktops and applications to achieve HIPAA and PCI compliance.

Through the first half of 2017, over 1.9 billion (that’s right, billion!) records have been breached across the globe. IDC predicts that 80% of businesses will experience at least one successful cyber-attack causing serious harm and significant expense to remediate.

This presents a very real problem for many IT organizations who are constantly struggling to find a balance between controlling IT costs and protecting sensitive data from the ever-increasing threat of cyber-attacks. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the healthcare and retail industries, where everyday end users are accessing sensitive medical records or billing information. For these companies, having a strong security posture, and adhering to HIPAA and PCI compliance standards, is paramount.


With 70% of successful breaches originating at the endpoint device, many organizations are turning to VMware Horizon to deliver virtual desktops and applications to their end users. By hosting virtual desktops in a centralized data center, you no longer have to worry about sensitive data being stored on the endpoint device and it can often make it easier to adhere to strict compliance policies like HIPAA and PCI.

While Horizon 7 makes it easier for many companies to strike a balance between cost and security in their own data center, many are now looking for that same benefit in the cloud. That’s why we’re extremely excited to announce VMware Horizon Cloud Service with Hosted Infrastructure is now HIPAA and PCI-DSS 3.2 Level 1 compliant.

With Horizon Cloud, you can enjoy the myriad benefits of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) with the flexibility, speed and predictable economics of the cloud. Easily deploy, manage and scale Windows desktops and applications while ensuring that HIPAA and PCI compliance standards are met, giving your organization’s IT department, end users and customers peace of mind.

Some of the many benefits of Horizon Cloud with Hosted Infrastructure include:

  • Enterprise-grade security, production-level support and a 99.9% uptime SLA
  • Ability to scale in a fraction of the time of traditional on-premises environments
  • Multiple desktop configurations, app delivery and global data center locations
  • Predictable, per-user pricing, allowing you to easily forecast costs

As the pace and sophistication of cyber threats increases at an alarming place, it’s critical that your organization takes measures to improve your security posture, especially if you’re dealing with sensitive medical and payment information. Virtual desktops and applications delivered by Horizon and Horizon Cloud can help you maintain HIPAA and PCI compliance while also helping drive down CapEx and OpEx expenses.

Visit to learn how you can get started today with VMware virtual desktops and applications solutions.

