Workspace Security Desktops Featured

Data Security Series: 7 Reasons to Use Virtual Desktops & Apps


Your Comprehensive Guide to Transforming Security with Desktop Virtualization

Not a day goes by without a data breach or a cyberattack. No one seems to be immune, from government agencies to retailers, Big Four accounting firms, fast food chains, and now, credit reporting agencies. Whether the breach is due to lax security on the part of the organization, insiders going rogue or brute force by cyberterrorists, we all pay the price when data is compromised.

While it may be tempting to say that “nothing is truly secure anymore”—and this has been said by quite a few folks lately—your organization can take steps to mitigate the loss of data. Many savvy organizations already utilize VMware desktop and app virtualization solutions, such as VMware Horizon, VMware Horizon Cloud, VMware Workstation and VMware Fusion, to ensure data security.

To help you better understand how VMware desktop and app virtualization solutions can support your organization’s data security efforts, we kicked off our security blog series. Over the last few months, our product experts shared data security best practices and outlined specific product features and capabilities that can support security initiatives across your enterprise today.

Explore the Security Series

In the span of seven robust blogs, our team covered how VMware desktop and app virtualization, along with VMware NSX and VMware Workspace ONE, help secure your enterprise. Find out:

hipaa_pci_compliance_vmware_security_series 4 REASONS TO CONSIDER CLOUD-HOSTED VDI FOR BC & DESKTOP DR
MITIGATING_THE_RISKS_OF_CYBERATTACKS driving_enterprise_security_vmware
3_Critical_Ways_Horizon_Bolsters_Security VMware_NSX_VMware_Horizon


This is a must-read blog series for anyone interested in learning how to protect corporate data. You will walk away with the tools needed to help your organization better protect itself against insider threats, cyberattacks and data breaches.

Just because we are ending our security blog series doesn’t mean we won’t be covering security.  Security continues to be a high priority in end-user computing (EUC) and an integral part of our solutions.

We’ll soon kick off another blog series, but in the meantime, make sure you bookmark the VMware EUC Blog and follow @VMwareHorizon and @WorkspaceONE to get the latest product and industry insights from the team.