VMware Dynamic Environment Manager By Product

300+ Reasons to Use VMware User Environment Manager

Some time ago, with the introduction of VMware User Environment Manager 9.0, I created a blogpost about User Environment Manager configuration templates. We launched a community page where people could post their own configuration templates. Since then, a lot has changed!

We launched several versions of User Environment Manager to enhance the product even more. For instance, privilege elevation (a feature we introduced in User Environment Manager 9.2) allows the designation of pre-configured apps to run with elevated privileges on a local desktop, as if the user is a member of the administrators group. Take a look at all the other new features now available in User Environment Manager.

300+ Templates Already!

Now, it’s time to look back at the configuration templates. Since the first template got uploaded on March 16, 2016 by my colleague Stephane Asselin, we didn’t sit still. Look at the templates we and other community members have already uploaded to the community page.

So today, I am pleased to announce that at this moment we are already over 300 User Environment Manager templates, and we are not done, yet! Lots of community tigers are helping us to get where we are now. This screenshot shows some of the people who created and uploaded templates so that customers can get User Environment Manager up and running as fast—and without any hassle—as possible.


Search Templates the Easy Way

I also want to call out two community members in particular. The first member is Ivan de Mes. He creatively launched a special website (created with the VMware Clarity Design System) so that customers can quickly search the community uploads to find the template they want.

If you are searching for a particular application template, I really want to encourage you to try this.


The second member I want to mention is my colleague Pim van de Vis. Since the start of uploading the configuration templates to the community, we kept brainstorming on how to make things easier for the customer. So, in one of these sessions, we decided to collect all the configuration templates we had available, and he took the time to check and uploaded them to the community website. Great job!

With that said, I hope that this blog post motivates you to look in your archives and upload as many configuration templates as possible. If you upload files, we prefer the use of tags: “uem” and “uem templates.” This way, filtering will be easier for those searching for the templates.

We, as User Environment Manager R&D product engineers, are excited and proud to bring this to our customers and partners, and as always, we welcome your feedback. So, feel free to add me and reach out on Twitter, via @Raymond_Himself or @VMwareHorizon.
