
Gotta Secure Them All—Enterprise Apps!

10 Facts About Secure Enterprise Apps

Here are 10 facts about the unrelenting flood of apps at work and IT’s daunting task to secure them all.

Enterprise Mobile Apps

1. 80% of employees say mobile technology is critical to their job. (CCS Insight)

2. IT is strained to deliver mobile apps. Only 10% of app development budgets fund mobile apps. (Gartner)

3. On average, it takes 6-12 months to develop an enterprise app. (Dell EMC and VMware)

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Third-Party Apps

As an alternative, employees look to public stores like iTunes and Google Play to get the apps they need for work.

4. Collectively, workers connected 733 third-party apps to corporate networks last year on average, a 600% increase from two years ago. (CloudLock)

5. Third-party apps in corporate environments carry some level of risk: 27% are high risk, 58% are medium risk and 15%  are low risk. (CloudLock)

6. 1-in-5 Android devices in enterprises allow app installation from third-party stores. (Skycure)

7. Android devices are nearly twice as likely to have malware (5.7% vs. 3%). (Skycure)

8. Top-ranking third-party apps undergo frequent updates: as often as 28 (iOS) and 38 days (Android). (Apptentive)

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Enterprise App Stores

Enterprise App Store:

A custom, unified, private catalog of company-approved desktop, mobile, virtual and web applications for work.

A central space for workers to browse and install IT-vetted apps on demand based on their role and user group.

9. 25% of enterprises will have an enterprise app store by 2017. (Gartner)

10. An average enterprise app store has 26 mobile apps. One-third are internally developed. Two-thirds are prepackaged (Box, Evernote, etc.). (Gartner)

Bring Your Own App (BYOA):

A workplace strategy enabling employees to choose third-party apps or to use existing personal apps for work.

Take a smarter, more secure approach to enterprise app delivery and management.

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