Product Announcements

.@VMwareStorage at #VMworld 2013 (San Francisco)

A short note to let you know some of the events I’ll be involved in at VMworld 2013 in San Francisco. With only a few weeks left to go, I thought I’d give you some options to attend sessions where you can learn about new storage developments at VMware.

TAM Day. This year I am once again involved in TAM Day, the day for customers who have Technical Account Managers. It is being held on Sunday, August 25th, and I will be there for the birds of a feather luncheon and the panel discussion in the afternoon. If you want to discuss storage, make sure you tell your TAM that you want to have lunch with me 🙂

STO1001-GD – VSAN. I’ve been living and breathing the Virtual SAN product for the past 12 months. Here is a tech preview from last year when VSAN was still called Distributed Storage. This is an opportunity to come along and have an intimate discussion about all things VSAN. Remember that these discussions are limited to 50 people, so sign up as soon as you can. I don’t have the scheduling details yet, but I’m sure it will fill up quickly. This is currently scheduled for Wednesday, 28th, 2:30pm – 3:30pm.

STO5027 – VSAN Best Practices. I told you I was doing a lot around Virtual SAN. In this session, I’ll be joined by the VSAN Product Manager, Kiran Madnani, where we will be giving you the low-down on how to get the most out of VSAN. We’ll try to describe the planning required up front, various settings to get the most out of VSAN and how to avoid possible pit-falls when deploying. It should be good. This session is currently scheduled for Tuesday, August 27th from 1pm – 2pm.

VSVC5005 – What’s new in Platform and Storage. Once again this year, I am presenting on net new storage features. I will co-present this year with my colleague Kyle Gleed. Kyle will cover net new platform features. This should give you a good understanding on what is in the next vSphere release. This session is already scheduled and is on Tuesday, August 27th from 4pm – 5pm.

Meet-The-Experts. Again this year, its an opportunity for some one-on-one meetings with me. If you have any questions about storage best practices, behaviors, designs guidelines, etc, why not register for a 30 minute chat. I’m not sure if you can register for these via the VMworld web-site. I believe you may have to come to the meet-the-experts area and register during the conference.

I hope to see you there.

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