
What’s New in vSphere 6.5 Paper

What's New in vSphere 6.5Ever since we announced vSphere 6.5 at VMworld Europe 2016, the reaction we’ve heard has been overwhelmingly positive.  It’s easy to see why, with major new features in areas ranging from vCenter Server and the VCSA, to Security, to the new developer and automation APIs and CLIs.  vSphere 6.5 also features important enhancements to core features such as Host Profile, Auto Deploy, and vSphere HA & DRS.  And let’s not forget vSphere Integrated Containers, which was announced at VMworld 2015 and is now finally available one of the supported features of vSphere 6.5.

Apart from these main features, there are quite a number of other enhancements worth knowing about.  In networking, for example, new features include dedicated gateways for VMkernel network adapters, automated SR-IOV provisioning, and support for ERSPAN. In storage, new enhancements include support for Advanced Format drives, NFS 4.1, software iSCSI static routing and automated UNMAP.

To provide a more comprehensive look at vSphere 6.5, we have put together a paper entitled What’s New in vSphere 6.5.  Download this paper to learn about the major features as well as the other areas (please consult this comparison table to see which features are included in which license edition of vSphere).  Happy reading!