Product Announcements

vCloud Director Client for iPad now available!





by Tom Stephens, Senior Technical Marketing Architect, VMware  (Twitter: @vCloud_Storm)

Today, VMware announced the release of the vCloud Client for iPad app.  Designed for the consumer of a vCloud Director environment, this app provides the ability to manage your cloud with your fingertips.

Some key features of the app include:

-       The ability to create new vApps

-       Through the use of a third party app, you can access the VMs within your vApp via RDP, VNC, or SSH.  Note:  The supported 3rd party apps are:

For SSH:



For RDP:

Jump Desktop  


For VNC:

Mocha VNC



-       Provides the ability to perform common tasks, such as powering on a VM.

-       Settings can be visualized and modified

 I could go on, but it’s probably easier to just show you a short video: