Customer Success VMware Success 360

VMware Success 360™ Finalist in TSIA Innovation in Customer Success Award

It has been just over a year since the launch of VMware Success 360™ and what an incredible year it has been. With a steadfast commitment to your success, our customer success teams are dedicated to continuously innovating and delivering our VMware Success 360™ experience. We’ve helped hundreds of customers across industries and around the globe, achieve better outcomes with VMware technology. Since launch, we’ve created new industry offers for VMware Success 360™ across Federal and Telecom, integrated digital learning through VMware Learning, expanded our VMware Skyline integration, built hundreds of new success pathways, enhanced the digital experience within Customer Connect, and more.

This brings me to some exciting news: VMware Success 360™ was chosen as a finalist for the Technology and Services Industry Association (TSIA) Innovation in Customer Success award for 2021 among 90 other entries. The annual TSIA Star Awards recognize innovation, leadership and excellence, and highlights an organization’s commitment to being the best in the technology and services industry. This award is a true testament to our team’s focus on innovation, dedication and passion for our customers.

The impact of VMware Success 360

VMware Success 360™ is VMware’s first customer success offer designed to continuously guide you throughout your transformation journey, making key talent and resources available where, when and how you need it. This brings all the best facets of VMware together into a unified and repeatable framework to simplify your technology transformation journey, provide always-on support across product lines and foster long-term relationships.

Expert guidance to desired outcomes faster

In addition to providing an optimal customer experience across digital and in-person, VMware Success 360™ speeds the path to desired customer outcomes. Each component of the offer is designed to help you succeed faster.

Success planning and monitoring acts as a “shared truth” between you and the VMware teams to ensure alignment on your current state and desired outcomes. A personalized digital dashboard, Customer Connect Success™, tracks customer health, activities, responsibilities, due dates and mutually agreed-upon metrics.

Through research with customers and our own expertise, we identified the most common desired outcomes (i.e., onboarding, adopting, consuming, optimizing) across VMware product lines and built custom Pathways, each of which are broken down into tangible activities referred to as Adoption Guidance and Workshops. With over 330 current offerings, the modular Adoption Guidance and Workshops provide a perfect blend of self-service resources and live engagements with personalized assistance from expert engineers to give you as much or as little help as you need along your journey.

Orchestrating personalized digital + human expert guidance for 24/7 success

VMware Success 360™ elevates the customer experience across both digital and human interactions, providing consistent, round-the-clock service and support to ensure you not only have an excellent customer experience but can also address mission-critical issues—at any time. The VMware Success 360™ digital platform sits on top of our learning and engagement platform, VMware Customer Connect™, providing a personalized digital experience which aggregates information into meaningful data for the customer while providing an easy way to get cross-product support.

VMware Success 360™ also includes dedicated and proactive support which uses AI/ML technology including VMware Skyline to provide pre-emptive, predictive issue prevention. Expert engineers are organized into solution teams for fast collaboration and prescriptive problem resolution, providing 24/7 global support as well as root cause and trend analyses to ensure maximize productivity and uptime for customers.

Continuing the momentum

Our entire Customer Success organization is devoted to helping you continuously realize value from your VMware investments. To learn more about VMware Success 360™, visit the VMware Success 360™ website or watch this video: