News & Events

Gearing Up for KubeCon Europe 2019

Each year, the scope and prominence of KubeCon continues to expand, and this year is certainly shaping up to be KubeCon’s biggest year yet. More than 12,000 people are expected to flock to the Fira Gran Via event center in Barcelona, Spain to attend KubeCon Europe 2019 from May 20-23. As the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference, KubeCon gathers technologists, developers and contributors from leading open source and cloud native communities all over the world.

Open source projects such as Kubernetes, Envoy, gRPC, containerd, Jaeger, Helm, Harbor and many more will be on everyone’s mind as the community gathers for four exciting, jam-packed days to further the advancement of and education around cloud native computing and applications, containers, microservices, central orchestration processing and much more. This summit offers a platform for showcasing a full range of technologies and open source solutions that support the cloud native ecosystem, along with bringing this massive community closer together.

VMware is once again proud to be a Diamond-level sponsor of KubeCon Europe 2019 and will be taking part in 32 different sessions, keynotes and lightning talks this year. Joe Beda will take the keynote stage to discuss Cluster API, while our many cloud native and open source experts will be leading discussions on Kubernetes release management, Harbor, Cluster API, Istio and service mesh, along with topics relating to multi-tenancy, scalability, open source contributions and community self-care. When we’re not in breakout sessions (leading or listening) you’ll find VMware and its experts in booth D2.

Though we’re still over a month out, it’s never too early to have KubeCon Europe 2019 on your radar. Be sure to stay tuned to the Open Source Blog and our Twitter channel (@vmwopensource) leading up to KubeCon Europe 2019 for additional updates and information. We hope to see you there!