News & Events

KubeCon North America 2019: Network Service Mesh Takes a Starring Role

KubeCon North America is back and bigger than ever before. This year’s event, running from Nov. 18 to 21 in sunny San Diego, will feature thousands of technologists, developers and contributors from leading open source and cloud native communities around the world. And with more than 30 co-located events in addition to the main gathering, we promise you’ll find plenty to interest you at KubeCon NA 2019, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference.

VMware is as a Diamond-level sponsor of KubeCon NA 2019, and we’re taking it a step further by offering both scholarships and on-site support to individuals who would otherwise be unable to attend. As part of this support, we’re coordinating professional workshops, interview coaching and LinkedIn improvement sessions for our scholarship recipients.

It should be an enriching experience for them because as usual, the conference is packed with great keynotes, breakout sessions and deep dives. Our own Bryan Liles, a senior staff engineer here at VMware, will open and close the event as program co-chair, in addition to his Nov. 21 keynote speech on the creation of developer-friendly tools and systems for Kubernetes.

Beyond that, VMware has a strong presence at KubeCon NA 2019. But as anyone who looks at the online program can see, finding the best sessions is a difficult endeavor with so many from which to choose. So, with that in mind, here are the can’t-miss events and sessions we recommend:

NSMCon Hosted by the Network Service Mesh Community

Monday, Nov. 18 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM

This co-located event is perfect for individuals seeking a better understanding of or more active involvement in Network Service Mesh (NSM), the community-driven CNCF sandbox project. NSMcon will feature tutorials, deep dives and use cases on NSM so you can learn how the project works, what it can do for you and, most importantly, what’s coming next.

If you’re unfamiliar with NSM, the open source project simplifies connectivity between workloads, independent of where they are running and at the granularity of individual workloads. With NSM, the useful features of Service Mesh are brought down from the HTTP level to the IP itself.

NSMCon is currently overbooked! If you are not registered already, you can add your name to the waitlist.

Another option is attending Nikolay Nikolaev’s KubeCon NA 2019 session, Five Cool Things You Can Do with Network Service Mesh, from 2:25 PM to 3:55 PM on Thursday, Nov. 21. Nikolay, a team lead in VMware’s Open Source Technology Center, is a core maintainer of NSM. Along with fellow core maintainer Frederick Kautz and founder and active contributor Ed Warnicke, he will share insights and future plans for the project after seven months in the CNCF sandbox. Together, the three will provide a brief grounding in NSM before previewing four of five new capabilities. The session will include sharing concepts and ideas, as well as showing Kubernetes deployment strategies, excerpts of Go code and console typing.

The New Stack Pancake Breakfast: Microservices Security with Service Mesh – Sponsored by VMware

Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM

Join The New Stack for a short stack and a Q&A with expert panelists about the issues and options for managing identity in service mesh environments. Alex Williams, the founder and editor-in-chief of The New Stack, and Joab Jackson, a reporter with The New Stack, will host the VMware-sponsored conversation. They will be joined by five panelists from leading technology companies for a conversation centered on cloud native security and its effect on the pace of enterprise adoption.

Linux Distribution Build Tools for Customer Container Images

Thursday, Nov. 21 from 11:50 AM to 12:25 PM

The typical way container images are built makes it difficult—if not impossible—to ascertain the license and security implications of using these images. Fortunately, a variety of tools exist in the Linux distribution world to solve these issues. Nisha Kumar and Joshua Lock, both open source engineers at VMware, will explain the tools available and compare them against the requirements for a declarative and reproducible container OS builder not reliant on external infrastructure.

We hope you’ll join us for these sessions, and be sure to make a pit stop by the VMware booth (D6) to hash out solutions, discuss open source trends or just hang out with us. For a full schedule of KubeCon NA 2019, click here. And be sure to follow our Twitter channel (@vmwopensource) throughout the event for the latest happenings on the event floor. Keep calm and KubeCon!