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Open Source Summit Europe 2019: Where Ancient History Meets Cutting Edge Technology

Why else would over 2,000 open source community members gather for three days of collaboration, coding and cocktails?  The Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit Europe 2019, of course! Running Oct. 28-30 in Lyon, France, the Summit is one of the largest open source events globally.  It’s a must-attend for anyone interested in the latest open source trends or for those searching for new projects on which to collaborate. By the way, did we mention Lyon is home to 14 Michelin star restaurants?

Open Source Summit Europe 2019 kicks off with the “Better Together Diversity Social,” an opportunity for underrepresented attendees to build friendships and connections in the open source community. That’s followed by the line-up of keynotes, showcases and sessions on open source topics ranging from virtualized networking and edge computing to artificial intelligence, and cloud native.

You won’t want to miss Chief Open Source Officer Dirk Hohndel’s keynote conversation with Linux & Git Creator Linus Torvalds. With more than 27 VMware employees on-hand and 19 VMware-led presentations, there is bound to be one that piques your interest. So, make sure to say hi if you’re in attendance and read on for a quick preview of a few presentations for which we’re particularly excited.

Ivana Atanasova and Radoslav Dimitrov, both open source engineers at VMware, will explain how Network Service Mesh (NSM), a newly adopted CNCF Sandbox project, helps industries with sophisticated network service demands adopt the new cloud native paradigm. NSM solves complicated L2/L3 challenges in Kubernetes, addressing issues that arise with the continuous increase in connected devices and the traffic this generates. That increase has pushed network service providers, such as ISPs and Telcos, to evaluate their technology choice for next-generation architecture. In doing so, they’ve realized that the current generation of container networking solutions doesn’t fit well with next-gen network architecture. Ivana and Radoslav will explain this predicament, introduce the novel approach NSM takes to solving it and discuss both use cases and examples.

Is your IT Department overworked and stretched thin? If so, then you should join Gavin Lu, an R&D Director in the VMware Office of the CTO, as he discusses Project Flowgate, an effort to improve the lives of data center employees. Project Flowgate integrates data from various facility systems and IT stacks so that IT admins have a holistic picture of the entire data center. By doing so, it improves employee collaboration and productivity while decreasing environmental footprints and maintaining or increasing SLA.

Malini Bhandaru, VMware’s leader of open source IoT efforts, will join Dell Technologies Senior Principal Engineer, Tingyu Zeng, to discuss security for the Internet of Things. They’ll focus on securing the Edge, defined as systems close to IoT sensors and actuators, using the open source Linux Foundation project, EdgeX Foundry. The project is a collection of microservices that collect, process and respond to sensor data. Both Malini and Tingyu contribute to EdgeX Foundry and will dive into its threat model and security best practices before touching on security roadmap items such as PKI for authenticated secure inter-service interactions.

These three sessions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to VMware’s participation at Open Source Summit Europe 2019, and we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeve. One hint? We’ve written about it before, and we guarantee it’s something you feel strongly about. See you soon!

Stay tuned to the Open Source Blog for upcoming deep dives into some of our other OSS Europe sessions and follow us on Twitter (@vmwopensource) during the event for conference updates and more.