With VMware Explore in Barcelona right around the corner, the VMware Aria Automation(formerly vRealize Automation) team has a few new features to warm you up. Read through!

Multi-Cloud Governance and Policy Management

VMware Aria Guardrails is a multi-cloud governance and policy management capability of VMware Aria Automation, SaaS that provides a foundation for public cloud guardrail configuration and enforcement. Powered by Idem Project, the templatized cloud and policy definition ensures the creation of a compliant cloud environments in a central location. It helps manage compliance standards across networking, security, cost, performance, and configuration with an infrastructure and policy-as-code approach.

With the VMware Aria Automation October 2022 release, we’ve added “dry run,” JIT cloud access, and new AWS findings visibility to Aria Guardrails:

  • Preview Template – Users can now perform a “dry run” of a SLS template in Aria Guardrails before saving a template. This helps users to test and learn what potential changes to a template might have on an existing environment without making the actual changes, enabling users to iterate and codify new templates.
  • Just-in-Time Cloud Access – End users can now obtain credentials in a self-service, just-in-time approach to access cloud environments. End users (e.g. SREs, developers) can access the environments programmatically or through the UI. Admins can provide and control access to the different end users, specifying the roles and making access time-bound. This helps give end users immediate access to compliant cloud environments, so they can provision directly into those clouds and avoid delays in building new modern applications.
  • New AWS findings visibility – Aria Guardrails now shows findings from Amazon GuardDuty and AWS Config. This helps users gain quick visibility into alerts and information about their AWS environments, making it easier to monitor and check for drift from desired state from a central location.

Check out how these new features make provisioning, policy enforcement, and continuous management of multi-cloud environments easier, and quicker.

Note: VMware Aria Guardrails is currently in tech preview. There will be changes to the access with the October 2022 release. Learn more here.

Other Automation Updates

While building out our innovative multi cloud policy framework with guardrails we keep enriching VMware Aria Automation with more features and improvements.

This month we improved pipeline collaboration for VMware Cloud Templates Infrastructure as Code, enhanced consumption tracking through audit logs and introduced resource limits for onboarded workloads.

For a full list of updates visit our release notes page

Gifts and resources

If you are attending VMware Explore 2022 Europe don’t miss out on getting an early hands-on taste of the brand-new VMware Aria Hub! Head to the Hands-on-Labs area and request HOL-2301-08-ISM: VMware Aria Hub – A look at what’s next in Multi-Cloud Management. Upon completion you will get the opportunity to order exclusive VMware Cloud Management gear for free!

Also, visit us online at Vmware Aria Automation and check out these additional resources.

  • IDC Spotlight on Infrastructure as Code Report
  • 451 Research Report – The Public Cloud Governance Imperative Report
  • vRealize Automation for Dummies Guide
  • Five Strategic Automation Use Cases for Your Business eBook
  • Transform your IT with Self-Service Delivery Report
  • DevOps for Dummies Guide
  • SecOps for Dummies Guide
  • Enterprise Framework for Network Automation eBook
  • Learn Aria Automation Sites