VMware Aria Operations for Networks Cloud Management Platform vRealize Network Insight

See you at VMware Explore 2022 during the vRealize Network Insight sessions

This year VMware Explore is going to be exciting because we will get to meet you in person. VMware Explore is the new name for VMworld and the event will be held in San Francisco on August 29 to September 1, 2022. Our largest customer event will be exciting because we have a lot of new functionality to support multi-cloud network visibility to share with you. There is also the opportunity to join Explore virtually if you are not able to be on-site. If you haven’t registered yet, you can register here for the on-site event or the virtual event.

There are several tracks and the vRealize Network Insight sessions are spread across a few of the tracks including Networking with NSX and DevOps. You can register for the sessions now and the content catalog is now available. Also check out the VMware vRealize Cloud Management Conference Guide blog with an overview of the solution keynote as well as other sessions and activities at the event.

There are various activities like Hands-on labs, Meet the Expert, Certification exams, and the opportunity to explore the expo area. On-site there will also there will be a lot of fun social activities at the event as well.

vRealize Network Insight Explore Sessions

Session IDTitleNotesTime
VBT3581USSimplifying Cloud Networking OverviewTu, 8/30
2:00 – 2:20 PM
Moscone South, Lower Level, Expo Theater VMware Booth #1002
NETB2233USGuided Problem Resolution in Modern Networks with DIRECTVCustomer DIRECTV
Tu 8/30
11:00 AM -12:00 PM
Moscone West, Level 3, Room 3022
CMB2267USAll the Things for Network ManagementDeep Dive Overview with Demonstration
W 8/31
1:30-2:30 PM
Moscone West, Level 3, Room 3014
CMM2354USDiscovering and Troubleshooting Apps with vRealize Network Insight UniversalMeet the Expert
M 8/29
4:00-4:30 PM
Moscone West, Level 2, Meet the Experts, Table 2

W 8/31
3:30-4:00 PM
Moscone West, Level 2, Meet the Experts, Table 6

Th 9/1
10:00-10:30 AM
Moscone West, Level 2, Meet the Experts, Table 9
CMB2229USA Way to Get from Cloud A to B – An App Migration StoryDevOps migration
Th 9/1
11:30 AM-12:30 PM PDT
Moscone West, Level 2, Room 2004
CMQ2962USUsing Hybrid Cloud to Drive Digital Transformation

(cancelled) Th 9/01
1:30-2:00 PM
vRealize Network Insight University
Part 1
Overview, Scaling, Onboarding, NMPDOn-demand
vRealize Network Insight University
Part 2  
PCI Compliance, Crown Jewels Analysis, Application DiscoveryOn-demand
vRealize Network Insight University
Part 3
Kubernetes, Containers, OpenShift, Assurance and VerificationOn-demand

Demonstrations will be in the Expo area and we will staff a booth shared with the NSX team showcasing visibility with NSX Federation as well showcase app discovery and migration use cases. At the boot demo pod, you can take a look at the vRealize Network Insight interface and ask any questions on the solution including vRealize Network Insight Universal.

We also have other opportunities to interact at the event including our direct 1-1 customer meetings. Reach out to your sales account team to setup a meeting with us and others from the Cloud Management team including product management, marketing, and engineering. These 1-1 meetings will run Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the event.

The product management team will also have a vRealize Network Insight focused TAM session where we will share updates and also where we will receive your feedback. Reach out to your VMware TAM (Technical Account Manager) to be invited to this session.

Better network visibility using vRealize Network Insight helps your teams when they are constantly challenged with the intersections of various vendors on that infrastructure. Attending the VMware Explore event will provide valuable information to upskill your knowledge, opportunities to learn about deploying SaaS, and opportunities to interact with other customers as well as various experts. All these fun activities will make it worth the trip on-site or virtually. See you there!

Check out the VMware Explore Twitter channel
Register today


VMware Explore Event Site

VMware Explore on YouTube

Free 30-day vRealize Network Insight SaaS trial

Hands-On Lab for vRealize Network Insight 

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