vRealize This Live! Skyline

vRealize This Live! Proactive Intelligence with Skyline

Running large environments can feel like a big game of whack-a-mole. Responding to issues after they pop up is one approach, but what if you could keep your infrastructure moles underground? That’s where VMware Skyline comes into play. In this episode of vRealize This Live! Nick Fritsch shows us how to identify and resolve potential issues before they even have the chance to strike. You can even dive deeper into your infrastructure by launching into vRealize Operations Cloud directly from Skyline.

Be sure to join us every other Wednesday at 11am EST/8AM PST for awesome live demos and live chat. You can catch the live stream on Twitch or on Youtube with replays available on Youtube. Be sure to check out our next episode on June 23rd at 8AM PST, 11AM EST where we’ll be talking about how you can get started easily with enterprise automation with vRealize Automation.

If you’re wanting to learn more about VMware Skyline and the features highlighted in this episode then check out VMware Pathfinder. You’ll find 100-300 level information on VMware Cloud Management features as well as hands-on labs and trials all for free!