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What you missed at Google NEXT ‘18

Google NEXT, for us at CloudHealth Technologies, was a great opportunity to show how we have collaborated not only internally but also with the Google Cloud team and with customers. Our booth provided us a platform to host great conversations with customers, MSPs and Service Integrators from around the world. Let’s dive into our three key focus areas from the show.


1. What Some of You Said

Though this was our first time exhibiting at Google NEXT, we received a very warm welcome and had great conversations, partially because customers were not just thinking multi cloud but are actually adopting that strategy. However, it is less cloud specific and more outcome focused. Customers approached us saying that today they only use Amazon Web Services, however they want to leverage Google Cloud Platform for their Big Query and Container support.

Another customer mentioned that she needed one single vendor who provides cost optimization and governance support across multiple clouds. We responded ‘That is exactly what we do and some more!’ Let’s show you examples of our Google Cloud reports and also our multi cloud dashboards. CloudHealth now supports cloud spend tracking, cost optimization and governance on Google Cloud Platform and other major clouds too.

Another key area of interest was containers. Customers are embracing containers for various workloads and don’t have a platform to track resource performance and cost optimization solutions. We were able to demo our container support which was very well received.

Want to read more about our container support here.

2. CloudHealth Presents at Cloud Talk

CloudHealth’s Director of Products, Samir Mehra, gave a Cloud Talk on ‘5 ways to reduce spend in Google Cloud Platform’. It was a great talk on how customers who are entering Google Cloud can save money by automating and looking at the right metrics, and it was much appreciated by the attendees. He focused on how customers can terminate ‘zombie’ infrastructure, rightsize compute Virtual Machines, migrate object storage to lower tiers and delete no longer needed snapshots. To learn more download our ebook.


3. Google NEXT announcements

There was no shortage of new and exciting news from Google NEXT. Here are a few of them that caught our attention.

  1. Cloud Services Platform: This newly announced platform provides benefits of a cloud platform by laying the foundation for cloud infrastructure. It enables customers to leverage benefits of GKE, Istio, and Stackdriver no matter where this platform is used: on-premises, public cloud or hybrid cloud.
  2. Resource based pricing for Compute Engine: Google is launching a new pricing from this fall to give Sustained Use Discount on the type of resources used as against the machine types. This way even if the machine type is different, customers can take benefits from the resources (CPUs, etc) that they are consuming.
  3. GKE On-prem: Google launched GKE on-prem to make sure customers can access similar experience in Google Cloud Platform and on-prem. This managed service ensures that versioning, security, and management experience is consistent everywhere.
  4. Google Cloud Platform Marketplace: One single place to get some pre-packaged applications to modify and run them on Google Cloud Platform.
  5. GKE Serverless Containers Add-on: Google Cloud Platform now has a serverless infrastructure option to GKE in an early-trial version.

Google NEXT was a great avenue for us to connect with prospects and customers to listen what they want from their cloud environments. Most of it was learning, while some of it was a reconfirmation. We all came out all excited about the opportunity that is in front of us. However, Google Cloud Platform is just starting and will grow exponentially over the next quarters. Plus, did we mention Chainsmokers? There needs to be a whole other different blog post just for them!