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vCenter Operations Management Tech Tips: Tip #36 – vCloud OvDC Admin vCOps Custom Dashboard – Part 4

Clint EastwoodIn the third part of this series we’ve created the vCloud Resource Kind performance Super Metrics needed for the OvDC Admin Custom Dashboard.

As a cloud provider you are required to some level of SLA against your customers. It’s not all about resources performance but it is also the fact that you need to give them a way to control resource consuming.

vCloud Director offers 3 OvDC resource allocation models: Pay-As-You-Go, Allocation Pool and Reservation Pool.

No matter which one you will go with, based on your CPU, memory and storage allocations, it will show the number of “Small”, “Medium” and “Large” VM you can expect to deploy.

As you can see, based on “Dev-OvDC” Allocation Module I can deploy 50 “small” VMs, 25 “medium” VMs and 12 “large” VMs.01. OvDC Allocation Moudle Properties

The good, the bad and the ugly

Let’s be positive and start with the good – you can give the OvDC admin a way to know what is the vCPU, memory and storage status in real-time using vC Ops and stop using the vCloud Org monitoring tab – This is good right?!

During this series I’ve mentioned several times that there is no REST API integration between the vCloud adapter and vC Ops.

In order to get the “Capacity Control” part to work for this dashboard, a set of 3 Super Metrics needs to be created for each OvDC you want to provide the dashboard for, as you will see in few seconds. This is not the most scalable way to go, which makes it both bad and ugly.

tuco01df0Super Metrics

vCloud Dev OvDC vCPU Remaining
50-sumN(Virtual Machine: CPU Usage|Provisioned CPU Cores,2)

CPU Usage|Provisioned CPU Cores Resource Kinds > Virtual Machine > Attribute Kinds: CPU Usage > Provisioned CPU Cores

03. vCloud Dev OvDC vCPU Remaining

vCloud Dev OvDC vMem Remaining (GB)
300-sumN(Virtual Machine: Memory|Guest Configured Memory (KB),2)/1048576

Memory|Guest Configured Memory (KB) Resource Kinds > Virtual Machine > Attribute KindsMemory > Guest Configured Memory (KB)

04. vCloud Dev OvDC vMem Remaining (GB)

As for storage, well, it depends. If the OvDC allows thin-provisioned VMs to be deployed (like in my Dev-OvDC) you will need to create the following Super Metric:

vCloud Dev OvDC Storage Remaining (Based on Used, GB)

500-sumN(Virtual Machine: Disk Space|Virtual machine used (GB),2)

Disk Space|Virtual machine used (GB) Resource Kinds > Virtual Machine > Attribute KindsDisk Space > Virtual machine used (GB)

05. vCloud Dev OvDC Storage Remaining (Based on Used, GB)

If no thin-provisioning is allowed for the OvDC and you want the calculations to be based on how much storage has been allocated to the VM, you will need to create the following Super Metric:

vCloud Dev OvDC Storage Remaining (Based on Provisioned, GB)

Notice that I’m using the “Provisioned Space (GB)” attribute kind.

500-sumN(Virtual Machine: Disk Space|Provisioned Space (GB),2)

Disk Space|Provisioned Space (GB) Resource Kinds > Virtual Machine > Attribute KindsDisk Space > Provisioned Space (GB)

06. vCloud Dev OvDC Storage Remaining (Based on Provisioned, GB)

Apply the Super Metric Package  

In the last 3 parts of this series (including this one) we have created quite a few, now it’s time to add all of it into a package and apply it on the vCloud Resource Kinds.

Check out the first post from my “1-Click Capacity Planning Custom Dashboard” series in order to understand how to create Super Metric package.

Note: if you already have a Super Metric package configured in your environment you don’t have to create a new one, you can add the Super Metrics to the existing one and make sure you apply it on the vCloud Resource Kinds.

After you finish creating the package you need to apply it on all 3 vCloud Resource Kinds – Provider vDC, Organization vDC and vApp.

07. vCloud Resource Kinds

In the next part for this series, we will dive into the dynamic group needs to be created for our dashboard, stay tuned! 

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