Workspace Security Featured

3 Steps to Ensure Data Security with Desktop & App Virtualization

Happy New Year! (It’s still January so I can say that …)

With the holidays behind us, most employees have come back to the office after trips to grandma’s house, ski holidays or even beach vacations. But while most of us were taking time to recharge, for many the work never stopped. Sales reps trying to retire quota continued to conduct business from beaches, ski slopes and everywhere in between. Executives continued to work from the road to keep the business moving forward.

Working from anywhere, on any device, may have been a liberating experience for employees, but it was anything but stress-free for IT, who had the lofty task of supporting user productivity while ensuring data security.


So how can IT achieve both goals? Desktop and app virtualization solutions from VMware help organizations protect corporate data while enabling and supporting user productivity. But you might be asking, how?

Desktop and app virtualization protects corporate data in three easy ways.

  1. Data resides in the data center and not on endpoints. This matters when your users need to access sensitive corporate data on laptops, tablets and other mobile devices, which can be easily lost or stolen. If users forget their device on an airplane or taxi, sensitive content remains secure in the data center. There is no need to worry about data loss.
  2. Non-persistent virtual desktops mitigate security risks and give users the experience of persistent desktops. When desktops can be created and destroyed in seconds, and with technologies that deliver the required applications and implement user preferences and settings at login, users get all the benefits of a persistent desktop in a non-persistent environment. From an IT and security perspective, if users download malware or if anything adversely affects the virtual desktop, the issue is removed at logout when the desktop is destroyed.
  3. Desktop and app virtualization delivers centralized maintenance, which enhances and accelerates endpoint security. Activities such as patches and software updates can be installed on a single master image and then deployed across the organization. IT no longer needs to rely on end users to implement fixes.

For more information on how VMware desktop and app virtualization solutions can secure company data while supporting bring-your-own-device (BYOD) initiatives, check out VMware Horizon and VMware Horizon Cloud today.

