VMware Workstation WSX

VMware Workstation 9 – Configuring and Using WSX with Video

One of the most exciting features of VMware Workstation 9 is the new web based UI (A.K.A “WSX”).   WSX is a prototype of a new web interface for Workstation that allows you to access your virtual machines from a tablet, smart phone, or any PC or device with a modern browser.   To help get you started so you can experience WSX first hand, we’ve put together a quick WSX overview document.  We would love it if you would comment on the document in the Workstation Community site to help us continue to enhance the document.

If you would like to learn more about WSX directly from the source, check out www.chipx86.com.

In addition, our friends on the VMwareKB TV team have created a VMware Workstation 9 WSX configuration video to guide you.

If you would like to discuss WSX or Workstation 9 in more detail, please join us in the VMware Workstation community.

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