Product Announcements

New Book: Professional vSphere 4: Implementation and Management


I'm always on the lookout for new technical books with a VMware focus.  It looks like Cody Bunch and Patrick Ancillotti are working on a new one called "Professional vSphere 4: Implementation and Management".  It is expected to be released later this year (May 18th acording to  From the standard description:

"VMware vSphere, is VMware's first cloud operating system, able to manage large pools of virtualized computing infrastructure, including software and hardware. Building on the power of VMware? Infrastructure, VMware vSphere dramatically reduces capital and operating costs, and increases control over IT infrastructures while preserving the flexibility to choose any OS, application and hardware. This book provides vSphere administrators with essential guidance in implementing and managing VMware's vSphere product suite. This guidance has been battle tested in virtual environments big and small. It also provides actionable advice for the day to day operational maintenance and common pitfalls to avoid for first time vSphere administrators. Best of all, the book includes an introductory version of Train Signal's vSphere training DVD that provides additional hours of vSphere training."