
HBI1812TE – vSphere Upgrade Workshop

Over the last year and a half, the vSphere Technical Marketing team have had the pleasure to travel the world. We’ve been running vSphere upgrade workshops and speaking with all kinds of awesome folks. The workshop got an airing at VMworld in San Francisco, and again yesterday at VMworld in Barcelona. The workshop lasts 3 to 4 hours, covering a lot of content. We frequently get asked for copies of the slides from the session.

While most sessions at VMworld are recorded and available after the event, the workshops, sadly, are not. With that in mind, we thought that you might appreciate us posting the content here for download. As such, you can download a PDF of the session content here.

How do I attend one of these?

I want to thank everybody who has attended one of these workshops over the past months, and I look forward to seeing more of you as we move forward! If you are interested in signing up for one of these free technical events, where you can talk to a vSphere subject matter expert in a town near you please check out the VMUG vSphere Roadshow page now!. We hope to see you soon!