Product Announcements

VMware Validated Design with VSAN and NSX running High Workload Oracle 12c

VMware Validated Design for an Al-Flash VSAN with NSX running high workload Oracle – A VMware, Intel and Quanta Project from Principled Technologies

The rigorous process of following a VMware Validated Design (V2D) to build a Business Critical Applications (BCA) database architecture was made more interesting by focusing on VSAN and NSX on Quanta Hardware with Intel SSDs. On this All-Flash architecture we chose to run the Oracle RDBMS version 12c under high workload using the formidable workload generator known as the “Silly Little Oracle Benchmark” or “SLOB”. Six compute nodes were concurrently loaded with the SLOB tool which generated an extreme workload that would be highly uncommon in any practical customer environment. The details are available in the full report linked below but it should be noted that at 200k IOPS the read latency averaged 5ms. This was truly a BCA workload and this is an effective BCA architecture.

The functional testing was even more impressive. All 6 compute nodes were transitioned through a vMotion under the load referenced above to a secondary site running an equal workload to simulate a full site evacuation in just over 8minutes. True VMware classic functionality under heavy BCA-Oracle workload on an All-Flash VSAN leveraging NSX. The SDDC can be considered complete for high workload BCA applications and Databases.

Principled Technologies

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