Product Announcements

A list of VSAN references – from VMware bloggers

A lot of folks have been looking for VSAN reference materials now that vSphere 5.5 is available and the VSAN beta can commence in earnest. Many VMware employees, who are also bloggers, have put together quite a bit of information to get you well and truly on your way to a successful VSAN deployment. This post will pull this information into one place of reference.

First of all, to get us started, here are a few useful links on how to sign up to the VSAN beta, the link to the beta community and some demos, videos and labs:

Now let’s list some VSAN information from VMware’s own bloggers.

Of course, a quick search of the vSphere blog will also show a few VSAN or Virtual SAN posts (some by our R&D folks), and more of which will be added over the coming months.

I hope you find this single point of reference for VSAN links useful.

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