Product Announcements

HA / Distributed vSwitch problems after Storage vMotion scripts available

By Duncan Epping, Principal Architect.

Most of you have read about this issue by now where it is impossible for vSphere 5.0 HA to fail-over a virtual machine which has been SvMotioned and is connected to a distributed vSwitch. Both William Lam and Alan Renouf were so kind to work on scripts to detect and resolve this problem. They published it on their blogs a while back, but at the same time internally we had our team officially testing these scripts.

I was just informed that both the PowerCLI and the Perl based scripts have been officially approved and attached to the KB article that describes this problem. If you are running vSphere 5.0 (or above) I would like to recommend to download the script and see if any virtual machines are impacted or not.

I would also like to thank all teams involved with getting the KB updated and the scripts developed and tested. Great work if I say so myself.

[EDIT: 01 June, as there are still problems with the KB article I have attached to this post, see link below]

Download KB 2013639 – HA-FDM fails to restart a virtual machine