Professional Services

Building a Robust Cloud Cybersecurity Framework with Kacy Reed  

Ensuring your VMware Cloud Foundation environment is secure requires expertise and dedication.

VMware Professional Services has a team of experts committed to fortifying your infrastructure and developing a comprehensive cloud security approach.

Among them is Staff Architect Kacy Reed, a cloud security professional with over 15 years of experience.

A United States Marine Corps veteran, Kacy is passionate about defending every element of a business’s cloud infrastructure, from the edge to the core, and implementing strategies to protect against bad actors. This is crucial for every organization, especially considering that data breaches increased by 72% between 2021 and 2023, according to Forbes.

The start of Kacy’s security journey 

Kacy’s tech career began in 2009 when he joined the USMC as a cyber network operator. In this role, he established communications with ground and air units using various technologies, including VMware, Windows Server, Linux, and Active Directory.

His exposure to diverse technologies equipped him with the skills necessary for his current success. He also credits his mentor and former boss, Matt Scott, with providing invaluable guidance and support.

“He provided insights based on his experience and said, ‘Hey, this is how the industry works.’ He really helped guide me and set me on a rewarding career path that got me where I am today,” he recalled.

After serving four years in the USMC, Kacy transitioned to the private sector, taking on roles as a network engineer and infrastructure manager for various private-sector businesses and state, local, and education (SLED) organizations.

He focused on networking and firewall security and later gained experience in pre-sales as a solutions architect, conducting security and governance assessments and identifying appropriate solutions and resources for clients.

Tightening the defense  

In 2021, Kacy joined VMware as a Consultant where he helped large financial services organizations strategize and execute their digital transformations.

Shortly after, he transitioned to his current role within VMware Cloud Foundation Professional Services.

Kacy works closely with product, sales, and delivery teams to ensure VMware’s services meet customer needs. He emphasizes the importance of developing a comprehensive cybersecurity framework from the outset and identifying the right cloud security solutions.

“Security is a process. It requires you to think about your goals, what your requirements are, your industry, and then lay out a plan to get to your desired future state. That process involves a lot of planning and time; it’s not just putting in a firewall or antivirus software.”  

While assisting customers with various cloud security concerns, Kacy has discovered that many struggle with knowing how to get started with a cybersecurity framework.

“The biggest challenge is people just wanting to know where to begin. When organizations use cloud infrastructure software, they don’t always think about protecting it and ensuring the configuration is secure. They might focus on securing the edge, firewall, or endpoints without considering the infrastructure component itself, which attackers continuously target because they know that when they get in, the protections aren’t always there.”

“Customers are asking, ‘Where do I start? What resources are available to me to get my cloud environment in a better place?’” he emphasized.

Bringing security guidance to VMware Explore   

Recognizing the common challenges faced by customers, Kacy created the popular VMware Explore session “Best Practices for Hardening Your VMware Infrastructure” with Senior Staff Architect Daniel Mazzini last year. After being named VMware’s People’s Choice Session, Kacy and Daniel delivered it in Las Vegas and Barcelona, helping VMware users worldwide craft a cybersecurity framework, secure their environments, and stay up to date on the latest security best practices.

“We had a huge registration list and received a lot of positive feedback. It was great meeting people from around the world, seeing similar problems that people are having, and learning more about their use cases and the challenges they were trying to solve,” he recalled.

By popular demand, Kacy is returning to VMware Explore this year to deliver a session on VMware infrastructure security. He’ll offer best practices for reducing attack surfaces within complex, cloud infrastructures. He also looks forward to highlighting some of the guidance found in the Security Configuration Guide for VMware users on configuring their environments securely.

From home base to cutting-edge technology 

Outside of work, Kacy enjoys spending time with his wife, two children, and two dogs on their Michigan property. He also plays baseball and hockey and coaches his son’s traveling baseball team.

Kacy’s passion and dedication extend beyond the field and family time, reaching his team and customers at VMware. His passion for teamwork and love for technology drives his commitment to excellence.

“I really enjoy the people I work with — collaborating and learning from them. I also like the technology aspect of my role, always using the latest and greatest tech here at VMware. It’s fun to implement these technologies with our customers and push the boundaries of what’s possible.”

Hear from Kacy at VMware Explore

Interested in learning how to build a robust cybersecurity framework for your organization? Join Kacy’s Best Practices to Reduce the Attack Surface of Your VMware Infrastructure session [VCFB2148LV] at VMware Explore this year. Register here, and don’t forget to check out the entire 2024 Explore Content Catalog.