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Customer Success

Video Blog: New Self-Service Adoption Guidance Catalog in VMware Connect Success

Finding the right resources that help you and your team meet your technology goals should be easy. Today, I’m thrilled to announce new features in VMware Customer Connect Success that help you locate, consume and track content within the self-service Adoption Guidance catalog. Alongside the catalog, you will now see recommended VMware Learning and Adoption Guidance related to goals and use cases within your Success Plans. Check out the demo to see these new features in action: 

Since launch in 2021, we’ve added tons of new and exciting features to VMware Connect Success for VMware Success 360 customers. VMware Success 360 is VMware’s comprehensive success offering built to guide you through every stage of your journey with VMware solutions. This helps ensure you continually realize value and achieve outcomes faster from your technology investments. 

As part of VMware Success 360, VMware Connect Success is making it even easier for you to access the resources you need to meet your goals with Adoption Guidance and VMware Learning always at your fingertips.

What is Adoption Guidance?

Adoption Guidance addresses a variety of challenges you may face, from onboarding and adoption to consumption and optimization. This new resource library is full of videos, whitepapers and on-demand enablement sessions to guide you on your technology transformation journey and help you meet your objectives faster.

Learn more about Adoption Guidance.

What is VMware Learning?

VMware Learning for VMware Success 360 customers empowers your teams with education for unlimited users. With the VMware Learning Premium subscription, you get anytime access to simulated labs, best practices and exam preparation videos, and intermediate-level courses.

Learn more about VMware Learning here.

We look forward to continuing to build innovative features that make it easier for you to reach your goals. Stay tuned for more!

If you’re interested in learning about how VMware Success 360 and Connect Success can help you stay on track and get the most out of your investments, visit our webpage or watch this video.