Working from home during pandemic
Anywhere Workspace

Navigate Your Anywhere Workspace Journey With the Pros

Almost overnight, businesses shifted to a work-from-anywhere model to keep operations running. Remote work is here to stay, as employees enjoy the flexibility to choose where they work — at home, on the go, in the office, or a combination of all three. Employees and employers alike don’t want physical locations to inhibit productivity. New flexible workplace expectations are motivating organizations to provide frictionless anywhere workspace experiences. 

So, how do you achieve a seamless work experience regardless of geography? Choosing the right software is the first step. Next, you must follow the right sequence of steps to reach your desired outcomes. Consider the capabilities of your internal teams. Does your IT team have the time and expertise to make your vision a reality?

It takes careful planning to configure, integrate, drive adoption and prepare your IT team to manage an anywhere workspace solution. This can be a sizable effort; luckily, there’s a team of experts who can make the process a breeze.

Watch this video to learn how VMware Professional Services can help you achieve the following:

  • Realize value quickly by breaking down initiatives into manageable, iteratively delivered steps
  • Prepare your employees and your IT team for a new way of working
  • Reap the benefits of a productive anywhere workforce from onboarding throughout the work lifecycle

To learn more about VMware Professional Services for Anywhere Workspace visit us on the web or contact your VMware sales representative.