
Certification Insights: How can I help develop the exams?

VMware relies on an international community of subject matter experts (aka Certification SMEs) to help design, write, and set standards for all VMware exams. These Certification SMEs are experts in the technologies that form the basis of our certification tracks (Data Center Virtualization, Cloud Management and Automation, Desktop and Mobility, and Network Virtualization). They use their knowledge and experience to help create technically viable and psychometrically sound exams that reflect current industry software and practices by participating in:

  • Job task analysis workshops to determine the topics a candidate must know to be considered minimally qualified.
  • Item writing workshops to write test questions and perform a technical review of existing questions.
  • Passing score workshops to determine the score required for a candidate to pass the exam and be considered minimally qualified.
  • Exam health checks to ensure the questions and technologies covered are still current and relevant.

For their involvement, Certification SMEs receive credit for the exam that they helped develop, as well as a VMware Certification Contributor digital badge. Click here if you would like to become a VMware Certification SME.