
Certification Insights: Finding VMware Exam Prep Materials

Preparing for a certification exam can seem like a big project, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are lots of resources available online that tell you how to study for an exam, but here are a few of our favorite suggestions.

  • Start with the exam objectives guide (sometimes called the exam blueprint). This tells you exactly what the exam developers were looking at while they were writing the questions. It includes details on the specific skills and abilities tested, along with links to helpful PDFs.
  • Review the exam web page. Each exam page provides links that can help you study for the exam including practice tests, hands on labs, and more.
  • Look to the community. The VMware Certification community is a very helpful and collaborative one. Whether you prefer discussion boards, Twitter, podcasts, or videos there are dozens of resources available with just a quick search.
  • Consider formal training. There are recommended training courses associated with most certifications, and several of the more popular VMware Certified Professional (VCP) certifications also have video-based Exam Prep courses

One important note: Using “exam dumps” or “brain dumps” are considered cheating and are a violation of our candidate policy. No legitimate test prep site has access to actual test questions and answers, so if you see a site promising to deliver them they were obtained by breaking our policies. And by purchasing them so are you. But more importantly, by simply memorizing answers you are ignoring the point of the exam which is to demonstrate competence in the content. By doing so you reduce the value of certification and undermine the hard work of every certification holder who earned their credential honestly.

What are your favorite exam preparation tips? Share them in the comments below.