
VCIX6 Certification Announcement: Part 3 of 3 (Exam Guides)

VCAPIn this three-part blog series (see parts one and two) I told you the news about the continuation of the VCAP brand for our advanced v6 certifications and the addition of the VCIX6 designation for those who earn both VCAP6 certifications (Design and Deploy). Now, I want to give you the information that you need to start getting ready to take the exam (and hopefully participate in the beta exams).

Below are links to downloadable Exam Guides for each of the upcoming VCAP6 exams. Please realize that these are advanced copies of the Exam Guides (Drafts), but Jon H. and this team worked very hard to get these into a near-final state. The absoute final versions, along with new web pages will be posted on our website in early January, so please make sure to check back the VMware Certification website for the final versions.

In addition to the Exam Guides VMware offers training courses that will help you prepare for the exams. Both Design and Deployment functions/roles are covered in these courses so there is one course aligned to each Certification Solution track. You should definitely consider taking one of these courses as a part of your preparation.

Now just a few tips and strategy  on preparing for the exam:

  • Review the Objectives in the Exam Guide and conduct a Gap Analysis on your own skills. For each objective give yourself a grade from 1-5, depending upon your skills, knowledge and/or level of comfort with each topic.
  • Based upon the Gap Analysis, build a personalized study plan that will help you close the gaps (focusing more effort on the largest gaps). At a minimum this should include study, training and plenty of hands-on practice.
  • Set a reasonable timeline and set a deadline by scheduling the exam – this will provide motivation. Don’t be unreasonable, give yourself some time.
  • Execute on your study plan, with your test date firmly in mind.

I hope that all of this information is useful in helping you prepare.

Thank you!
