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Top Announcements From The CloudHealth Connect18 User Conference

This week, we hosted CloudHealth Connect18 — our first ever user summit. We had customers, partners, and attendees from all over the world come to Boston to join us for some incredible sessions, panels, and one-on-one meetings.  

Here are some of our biggest announcements from CloudHealth Connect18:


1. Convertible Reserved Instance Exchanger:

For a large organization, with a diverse instance usage and Reserved Instance (RI) portfolio, it is important to analyze how well utilized the RIs are. If you are doing this analysis on an instance by instance basis, it will take you hours if not days. These concerns started popping up in our customer base the day AWS released Convertible RIs, and grew tremendously when AWS added the 1-year option to the offering.

To address these concerns, we released the CloudHealth EC2 Convertible RI Exchanger. The Convertible RI Exchanger is an engine that will analyze your current Convertible RI inventory, evaluate how well those RIs are being used, analyze your on-demand usage over the last x number of days, and run all the permutations and combinations to find the mathematically optimal exchange that your organization can make.

Essentially, the Convertible RI Exchanger eliminates the brute-force associated with a RI exchange: the spreadsheets, the hours of work, and the mathematical operations needed to populate those columns and rows.

2. Reporting across various dimensions made easy:

Reporting can mean different things to different people. Every organization, every department, and every team likely has a different method for tracking, which can make it difficult for those responsible for closing the books at the end of every month. When you add the reporting needed to track your regional and global teams, you might as well have thrown a wrench into the system.

Well, no more. We have developed a new way of reporting that our teams are super excited about. This new report will let you import more data and slice and dice it anyway you want in order to answer different business questions accurately and quickly. You will be able to pull more resource usage, capacity planning, and governance level information into one single report for complete transparency. Need to do showback/ chargeback? This report gets you closer to that goal of more accountability and control.

For global companies with multiple business units, this report makes it easy to collect, present and distribute segmented cost and usage information. Similarly, for managed service providers, this report can break the information down to a customer level with a few simple clicks. Some of the benefits include:

  • On demand, dynamic and programmatic report
  • Information on tags directly from the bill
  • One single report for multiple use cases
  • Close the books accurately and on time with less effort
  • Ease of auditing with report available at your finger

3. Google Cloud Platform Support:

We announced our support for Google Cloud Platform in July of this year. As they say the proof is in the pudding. Let’s read what one of our customers has to say about this support.

Brent Strong, Manager of Cloud Engineering and Operations at Change Healthcare said that, “CloudHealth for Google Cloud Platform offers critical tools that allow us to manage assets and spend, while creating automation around those tasks. In addition, with CloudHealth, I am able to manage my cloud spend across multiple cloud platforms within the same console.”

With this latest announcement we are happy to deliver the following benefits to the Google Cloud Platform users:

  • Granular visibility for your resources
  • Control spend and drive more accountability
  • Simplified governance to help you scale efficiently

4. Amazon ECS Support:

Amazon ECS has seen rapid adoption, and it is not by accident. Amazon ECS is a native AWS container orchestration service developed to deploy and scale applications based on containers. It helps organizations by eliminating the cumbersome steps to develop, deploy and scale a container. The API driven orchestration service simplifies integration and management.

This support integration will help our customers gain complete visibility of their container environment to make better informed decisions. This integration also helps balance the right resources to support their clusters. Finally, managing across multiple orchestrators is now made easy.

Tido Carriero, VP of Engineering for Segment, a CloudHealth Technologies customer, said, “As demand for our customer data platform continues to grow, so does our use of Amazon ECS. With CloudHealth, we gain unprecedented visibility into our container environment, which enables us to optimize our clusters and significantly reduce spend on an ongoing basis.”