Aria Automation
Aria Automation Cloud Automation

VMware Aria Automation (formerly vRealize Automation) March / 8.11.2 Release

Hi Everyone! Here comes the March/8.11.2 release of VMware Aria Automation.

Salt Master Plugin Upgrades

Let’s start with the most exciting feature of this release. SaltStack Config now provides the ability to upgrade Master Plugin to the latest version directly from the UI. The Master Plugins workspace provides you the ability to update the Master Plugin version on your Salt master to match the version of VMware Aria Automation Config. This feature makes it more convenient for customers to have their master plugins updated and they don’t have to worry about their instances being out of sync.

Learn more:

Upgrade the Master Plugin from VMware Aria Automation Config

More capabilities around Azure:

Day 0 support to Azure performance tiers. VMware Aria Automation now provides Day 0 support to Azure performance tiers when provisioning Azure Premium managed disks. Within your VMware Cloud Template, users can specify the performance tier property for Azure-managed disks to specify applicable performance tier.

Support Azure for US Government Regions. VMware Aria Automation now supports Azure for US Government Regions as an endpoint. With this update, we can confidently provide support to Federal and State Public sector customers hosted in Azure Cloud.

VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator provides the local repository for the polyglot environment

We also want to highlight some updates on VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator. Customers now have the ability to provide a local repository for the polyglot environment from where the dependencies can be downloaded. After adding custom repositories from the Action Environments page, customers can select to download the dependency from the custom repositories when defining them in the environment definition. This update adds more flexibility for our customers to manage a local repository.

To learn more about these new features in the VMware Aria Automation March release, please check out these additional resources:

For a full list of updates, visit our release notes page

Also, visit us online at VMware Aria Automation and check out these additional resources.

  • IDC Spotlight on Infrastructure as Code Report
  • 451 Research Report – The Public Cloud Governance Imperative Report
  • vRealize Automation for Dummies Guide
  • Five Strategic Automation Use Cases for Your Business eBook
  • Transform your IT with Self-Service Delivery Report
  • DevOps for Dummies Guide
  • SecOps for Dummies Guide
  • Enterprise Framework for Network Automation eBook
  • Learn about VMware Aria Automation features on TechZone 
  • Learn Aria Automation Sites
  • vRealize Automation Reddit Community Channel
  • Follow us on Twitter @VMwareAriaAuto