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Views: Business Hours and not only in vRealize Operations 8.4

 I am delighted to share that the exciting features promised in “vRealize Operations 8.2 Views: filter enhancements” are on the way. And vROps 8.4 includes support for Business hours configuration in List Views.

1.  Business Hours support

Often for reporting purposes customers would like to see data during specified hours of the day, such as for office working hours, say 8 AM to 5 PM only or for weekdays only.

Now it can be easily configured in several steps.

Suppose that we have some Virtual Machine with following CPU|Usage (%) metric values during last hour.

The same Last/Min/Max values can be configured and seen in View.

Let’s configure business hours setting now.

First, we need to enable “Advanced” mode in “Time Settings” tab and enable “Business Hours”.

As a second step we configure exact business hours range.

For demonstration purposes I configured Wednesday in 10.00-10.30 PM range, but of course you can configure each day as you wish.

Third stage assumes we need to enable Business Hours option for desired data, of course if Business Hours have sense for configured transformation.

And finally, we can see that resulting data shows Min/Max value for 10.00-10.30 range only!

And as a bonus “Filtering” tab supports Business Hours as well.

2.    New filtering conditions

“Filtering” tab in Views now allows to configure additional conditions.

For numeric values we have Exists/Not Exists, for string values in addition we have Empty/Not Empty.

3.    Option to show Object Creation time in vRops

As you already know, starting from vRealize Operations 8.1.we can show VM creation date in vCenter in human readable format (https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/78556?src=so_5703fb3d92c20&cid=70134000001M5td).

But sometimes we need to show VM (and object in general) creation time in vRops, as we already have in an “Inventory”.

To see in Views just enable “Show Object Creation Time” option.

And we will see “Creation Time” as a separate column.