DevOps Cloud Management Platform

DevOps Technology @VMworld

This week has seen the first virtual VMworld. While it certainly is not the same without the face-to-face personal interactions that VMworld helps to facilitate, there have been many benefits. Probably the biggest is that all of the breakout sessions are immediately available, giving access to hundreds of hours of quality content – covering industry trends, experiences, new and emerging technologies, and our complete solution portfolio.

(Other benefits include free registration and not having to justify why a single night in San Francisco equals a months rent in many parts of the midwest.)


It is impossible for one person to consume all the available content, although there are probably one or two who will try. With that in mind, I have worked my way through the catalog to find the sessions most relevant to the DevOps journey. I found sessions covering “AllTheOps“, including DevOps, DevSecOps, GitOps, and even ChatOps.  I have watched as many as time allowed, and am sharing my favorites with you here:


The Six Ways Your CI/CD Project Can Go Horribly Wrong [MAP2402]

I’m starting with this 40-minute session by Dan Baskette from our Modern Applications Business Unit (MAPBU). Not only do I usually learn more from what didn’t work than what did (and so tend to be drawn to these kinds of sessions), but Dan gives a great overview of CI/CD, automation, and the “everything-as-code” expectations of the modern developer.


Adopting DevOps for Infrastructure with vRealize Automation [HCMB2251]

Want to get started with DevOps for Infrastructure? In this 45-minute session, my colleagues Lefty Marakas and Sam McGeown in the VMware Cloud Management Business Unit (CMBU) show the benefits of applying DevOps principles to infrastructure, and how our vRealize solutions can help. The session covers Infrastructure as Code, Iterative Development with GitOps, and Infrastructure Pipelines.


Demo of All Things VMware Tanzu – A Story of ChatOps [MAP2316]

Back to the MAPBU for this one-hour session by Ryan Clair. Ryan starts with the user experience, both from the application user perspective and the developer experience, and demonstrates using ChatOps to push code to production, including (spoiler alert) rolling back the code when a problem is encountered. Then he pulls back the covers on the process to give a high-level overview of the entire Tanzu portfolio.


Kubernetes Automation with vRealize Automation and Tanzu Mission Control [HCMB2255]

In this session, we are back with the CMBU to learn how VMware vRealize Automation can help administrators manage clusters and namespaces through a policy-driven consumption model across Project Pacific, OpenShift, and VMware Tanzu Mission Control clusters.


DevOps for Machine Learning: Enabling Successful ML for Your Organization [ETML2260]

Finally, I am recommending this session by Kenny Daniel, the Founder of Algorithmia. It speaks to my interest in Machine Learning and makes the case that ML needs DevOps (MLOps?). However, while there are many similarities between the SDLC of modern software and that of machine learning, there are some big differences too.


There are certainly many great sessions that I’ve missed on this list, so don’t stop here. The Cloud Management Guide to VMware 2020 contains additional “don’t miss” sessions, all available immediately and on-demand from the content catalog.


And so, why I may not be enjoying a cocktail with co-workers and customers alike on the west coast, I am still up way too late on a school night talking about technology. I hope you find these recommendations useful, and that we can all be back together again in a wildfire and pandemic free environment for VMworld 2021.


In the meantime, revisit this thread for a fun, yet accurate, reminder of what we are really missing!



Other Posts in this Series:

DevOps #1: Where Are We and How Did We Get Here? May 2020
DevOps #2: Innovators and Outcomes – The Disrupters May 2020
DevOps #3: Early Adopters and Outcomes – The Disruptees June 2020
DevOps #4: Culture – Collaboration, Empowerment, Autonomy June 2020
DevOps #5: Devopsdays – DevOps Culture Embodied July 2020
DevOps #6: Principles and Outcomes August 2020
DevOps #7: Technology – The DevOps Toolchain August 2020
DevOps #8: Technology – Continuous Everything September 2020
DevOps #9: Technology – DevOps @VMworld September 2020