With VMware Code Stream you can speed software delivery and streamline troubleshooting with release pipelines and analytics. In this post we will go through many of the integrations that are possible with VMware Code Stream. You will see that there are SO many possibilities to interact with virtually any system to make advanced pipelines for application and infrastructure delivery. So, let’s get started!!!


Kubernetes Integration:

In Code Stream you can deploy any container based application directly to a Kubernetes cluster from within your Code Stream pipeline. It’s very easy once you have setup the Kubernetes endpoint.

Once your endpoint is created you can select any of the Kubernetes endpoints you have in Code Stream as tasks within your pipeline.


Git Integration:

Code Stream also provides direct integration with many of the most popular source control providers such as GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket. Using the integrations available you can trigger pipeline execution to happen when commits are made to the source repository.


Jenkins and Bamboo Integration:


Bamboo and Jenkins are two of the most popular continuous integration tools used by development and DevOps teams. Code Stream provides direct out-of-the-box integration with both of these tools so you can quickly add the, already in place, jobs that have been created from your dev teams to larger pipeline orchestration that can include approvals and rollback capabilities that are available in Code Stream.


Docker Host and Docker Registry Integration:


Code Stream also has direct integration with Docker Hosts and Docker Registries. In Code Stream we use a Docker host to run our custom integration tasks from within pipelines. A custom integration task will launch a specific docker image on the Docker host, you have created through the endpoint, where you can run any types of scripting actions you might need to run during your application deployment. You can read more on custom integrations later in this blog. You can also trigger pipeline execution via a web-hook much like you can with the Git integrations we discussed earlier. If you want to read more about triggering pipelines to run from Docker repository updates please look at this blog.


Artifactory Integration:

With any application development there is output of libraries and artifacts that need to be stored and re-used across multiple dev teams. Code Stream provides direct integration with Artifactory so you can push and pull artifacts directly from a task object within your pipeline.


Jira Integration:

Code Stream provides the ability to integrate directly with Jira which is the leading issue and project tracking tool in the industry. Code Stream has many areas where you can use this integration. The first is on the failure notification capability within the pipeline. If your pipeline fails at any stage, or individual task, Code Stream can automatically submit a Jira ticket with the failure information to the appropriate team that needs to look at the issue. Another place this integration is useful is for the built-in approval capability in Code Stream. If the QA team is testing your software update as a task in your pipeline, and they fail the testing phase, Code Stream will automatically submit a Jira ticket on behalf of the testing team to the appropriate application team.


Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Integration:

VMware has a great partnership with Pivotal Cloud Foundry so it would make since that we have an integration directly with PCF. This integration provides the ability to deploy those PCF applications directly to your Pivotal PaaS platform from within a Code Stream pipeline.


Team Foundation Server (TFS) Integration:

And of course, we wouldn’t want to leave out the teams that are using Microsofts Team Foundation Server. We direct integration with TFS (Azure DevOps Server 2019) so that you can call jobs created in projects in TFS.


vRealize Orchestrator Integration:

It wouldn’t be a VMware automation solution if it didn’t integrate with vRealize Orchestrator. Even though Code Stream is a SaaS solution currently, you can still use all the great capabilities and third party packages available for vRealize Orchestrator running in your datacenter.


Other Notable Integrations:


Code Stream has a built-in email service to allow for email notifications at any point during a pipeline execution. You can also setup a custom email server configuration if needed.


You can make direct REST API calls as a task item in a pipeline allowing you to interact with ANY system that has a RESTful API available.

Custom CI

Mentioned early, Code Stream has a built-in custom CI capability. With this task type you have a Docker host associated with you pipeline. That Docker host can then run a worker Docker image with different tools you need to run scripts during the pipeline. For example if you wanted to create a Route53 DNS record for a deployment you could have a docker image with the AWS CLI in it that you could then use a custom CI task in the pipeline to run a script to create the record. This gives you unlimited capabilities to interact with CLIs.


Last but not least, another cool integration to know about is the work that @Codydearkland did to create a CircleCI orb that will execute a Code Stream pipeline. This is a great way to utilize Code Stream as a part of your CircleCI CI/CD orchestration you might already have in place. To get more information about the Code Stream Orb in CircleCI see this following post.



As you can see Code Stream provides integration with all of the most widely used tools that are out in the Dev and DevOps world. There isn’t anything that you can’t interact with using either the built-in integrations or using a custom CI task in your pipeline. Check out Code Stream and activate a free trial at cloud.vmware.com/codestream