Aria Automation Automate IT Cloud Automation

Want to Test Drive vRealize Automation? Start with New Hands-on Lab

Among the 150,000 virtual machines deployed during VMworld 2017, vRealize Automation was one of the TOP 10 most popular Hands-on labs (HOL). It is clear that “IT Automation” today is still top-of-mind for our customers, and IT teams are keen on exploring automation solutions to bring agility and efficiency into their organizations.

vrealize automation HOL

vRealize Automation, heart of VMware Cloud Management Platform, delivers automated IT service provisioning and delivery with self-service capabilities. It builds the foundation of automated lifecycle management of IT resources and enables end-to-end integration across IT ecosystem.

The new Hands-on Lab will walk you through the use case of blueprinting and infrastructure-as-a-service provisioning. You will be able to design a simple blueprint or parameterized blueprint, create and apply policies, and publish the blueprint as a self-service catalog.

Introducing Parameterized Blueprint

You may have used XaaS blueprints to enable “t-shirt sizing” in the past. Now, vRealize Automation 7.3 has delivered the blueprint parameterization capability out-of-the-box. Rather than create a separate small, medium, and large blueprint for a particular deployment type, you can create a single blueprint with a choice of small, medium, or large size virtual machine, through component profiles. Users can select one of these sizes when they deploy the catalog item.

Component profiles minimize blueprint sprawl and significantly simplify your catalog offerings. You can use component profiles to define vSphere machine components in a blueprint. The available component profile types are Size and Image. When you add component profiles to a machine component, the component profile settings override other settings on the machine component, such as number of CPUs or amount of storage.

parameterized blueprint

Start HOL here to learn how to create a parameterized blueprint today.

About VMware Hands-on Labs

VMware Hands-on Labs are the fastest and easiest way to test-drive the full technical capabilities of VMware products. These evaluations are free, up and running on your browser in minutes, and require no installation.

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