
DevOps Sessions at VMworld 2017 Las Vegas

VMworld 2017 Las Vegas is just around the corner and, with over 500 session choices across all categories, it may be overwhelming to know which ones can really help you learn about DevOps!  I would like to help you navigate the list and pick the ones that can really help with your DevOps transformation. As you can see from the list below, there are a LOT to choose from and update your calendar.

VMworld 2017 Las Vegas


Monday, Aug 28

Session ID
 12:30-1:30 [LDT2523BU] Organizing and Structuring IT in the DevOps World
Learn about the main principles that should guide the definition of a new organizational structure for IT and the roles required to reap DevOps benefits. All this with an example of a phased transition!
 1:00-2:00 [DEV2858BU] The Shift to the Left: The Changing Role of Operations as Developers in a DevOps World
The modern Ops team is embracing and adopting software development roles. Get to understand what developers do and really care about and how can Ops teams work, measure success going forward.
 1:30-3:00 [ELW182104U] vRealize Code Stream – DevOps Solutions
Get some hands-on to use vRealize Code Stream for release automation processes not just for applications but also apply the same concepts to SDDC and infrastructure components.


Tuesday, Aug 29

When, Session ID Description
 11:30-1:00 [ELW180601U] vRealize Suite – Getting Started Workshop
Walk through the integration points of the vRealize Suite, including vRealize Operations, vRealize Automation, vRealize Business for Cloud, and Log Insight. Also, learn how vRealize Code Stream Management Pack can help keep multiple environments synchronized.
2:00-3:00 [LDT2491BU] IT Transformation at VMware
This session talks about VMware’s journey to enable an IT digital transformation and how they have successfully tapped the power of mobile cloud architecture to help the lines of business.
5:30-6:30 [DEV2704BU] Delivering Infrastructure as Code: Practical Tips and Advice
This session details and demonstrates how to leverage Infrastructure as Code using VMware tools you already own with best practices from customers who have managed to master this new mindset.


Wednesday, Aug 30

Session ID
1:00-2:00 [MGT3167GU] Managing the SDDC as Code
As more and more of the data center becomes software, a new opportunity exists to manage IT code with the same rigor that application development teams use. Come, join us in a discussion to understand and learn from each other’s experiences.
1:00-2:00 [DEV1369BU] A Tale of CI/CD, Infrastructure as Code,
and How Containers/IaaS Fit into the Story
No matter what your application architecture (microservice or monolithic), there are huge efficiencies that can be gained by leveraging infrastructure as code. Don’t know much about infrastructure as code or CI/CD? Don’t worry, we’ll cover the basics!
2:00-3:00  [LDT3013BU] Successfully Enabling the Digital Transformation
This session explores the IT operating model changes needed to enable your business’s digital transformation and practical steps to be successful.
2:30-3:30 [MGT3136SU] How DevOps Is Transforming IT: People, Process, Technology
Hear from some of our major customers’ CIOs about the challenges they met, and the solutions they have put in place. Learn about VMware’s usage of our own DevOps to drive efficiencies into its own organization while improving products for our customers.
3:30-4:30 [LDT2590BU] Speed is now a Core Competency for Enterprises: VMware IT Framework to Leverage Emerging Tech and CNA Platforms to Accelerate Delivery Speed
Waves of technology advances are hitting enterprises faster than ever before. In this session, VMware IT shares a framework that they use to leverage new technologies to drive digital transformation.
4:00-5:00 [MGT2231BU] How VMware implemented the Self-healing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline using vRealize Suite
This session is all about how VMware devised a mechanism to detect CI/CD pipeline failures and automated remediation through a self-healing solution.


Thursday, Aug 31

Session ID
1:30-2:30 [LDT1907BU] Shifting IT from a Cost Center to an Innovation Center: VMware IT Case Study
IT is traditionally considered a cost center. Join us to learn and explore how VMware IT is driving innovation across the organization by empowering the business and employees with enterprise mobility solutions.
1:30-2:30Dev Ops at VMWorld [MGT2716BU] vRealize Automation for the Developer Cloud
When CloudAdmins are trying to offer powerful self-service experience, developers are looking for freedom and flexibility. Come hear how vRealize Automation can address these paradoxes today, and some of our plans for how to strengthen the developer cloud story in future releases.


So, go ahead and register in advance!


VMworld 2017 Las Vegas