VMware Aria Guardrails

Multi-Cloud Governance through Policy Enforcement with VMware Tanzu Guardrails

Organizations leveraging cloud infrastructure to accelerate application delivery and building a foundation for AI adoption need a more intelligent approach to optimize their environments for desired outcomes. 

Organizations of all sizes keen on leveraging faster release cycles are investing in muti-cloud infrastructure to access all services available from different providers. Organizations need to exercise controls that help regulate costs, secure configurations, and minimize downtime to gain the most benefit from using public cloud infrastructure. Multi-cloud governance and policy management is like a game of whack-a-mole. The dynamic and ephemeral nature of cloud resources and the activity of multiple users often leads to continuous policy violations. Unchecked, these violations become the reason for cost overruns, security breaches, and performance issues.

VMware Tanzu Guardrails for end-to-end policy enforcement

VMware Tanzu Guardrails (formerly VMware Aria Guardrails) enables cloud operations teams to leverage preventative and detective techniques to scale end-to-end policy enforcement across clouds, Kubernetes, and hosts. With this unique approach, cloud operations teams can consistently enforce governance best practices and ongoing compliance across cloud environments.

New capabilities to bolster your cloud governance strategy

We are excited to announce new techniques delivered within VMware Tanzu Guardrails in the form of landing zones that enable cloud operations teams to create compliant AWS and Azure accounts and continuous remediation of drift to enforce Day 0 policies for ongoing compliance. With a single service that allows Day 0 policy configuration during provisioning and ensures continuous compliance through drift detection, and correction, any unwanted configuration can be prevented easily. Policies to prevent specific configurations can be added to a template used to provision new accounts. As the service recognizes the defined state of the account, an event-driven mechanism detects drift from this state and remediates it automatically. Such end-to-end policy definition, compliance tracking, and drift remediation ensure that policies are continuously enforced from Day 0 provisioning through Day N for all new accounts in growing cloud environments. Learn more about how easy it is to:

Accounts created in the landing zone are auto-discovered by VMware Tanzu Hub (formerly VMware Aria Hub), which collects the cloud inventory and maps cloud resource relationships to provide deep visibility into your cloud infrastructure. You can also investigate a policy violation in the context of the connected cloud objects and get a better understanding of overall risk.

It is time to break free from error-prone manual approaches and instead use VMware Tanzu Guardrails to provision accounts with automatically pre-configured policies, gain a consolidated view of drifts and policy violations in context to graph-based cloud inventory, and automate remediation. With VMware Tanzu Guardrails, you can empower your cloud operations teams to quickly deliver and maintain compliant public cloud and Kubernetes environments and support application teams to build modern apps more rapidly and securely.

Figure 1: Enforce policies through a single service, using landing zones to create accounts with pre-defined policies and continuous correction of drift.

A case for governance automation using a single service.

In the cloud transformation journey, IT teams typically start by building, operating, and managing workloads using a few accounts with a single provider. At this stage, it is easy to provision accounts manually and have visibility into the cloud resource changes, and policy violations are managed using in-house tools or scripts. As the organization matures, the developer teams start to release software faster and more efficiently and spin up resources quickly. IT teams also add more providers to benefit from the unique services certain cloud providers offer. The result is that these teams soon find themselves in an exploding multi-cloud environment where they no longer have granular visibility into their environments, an understanding of risk, or the ability to enforce governance standards effectively. The home-grown tools and native services alone become inadequate to scale best practices across such a varied and growing environment. Governance challenges start to slow down cloud adoption.

Central admins start managing cloud risk using security posture management techniques that involve detecting and remediating configuration mistakes and tracking compliance with industry benchmarks and regulatory standards. While these techniques have been impactful in reducing risk post-deployment, optimizing cloud infrastructure without slowing down the productivity of application teams is inevitable.

Organizations respond to this requirement by applying policies during account provisioning using manual processes and home-grown tools. Base-line organization-level policies are defined by the security, architecture, and FinOps teams that need to be implemented consistently across environments. Cloud operations teams can no longer rely on manual processes, which are insufficient and slow down account provisioning for application teams. Once the accounts are handed over to application teams, configured policies change, and resources are soon out of compliance. Tracking compliance by sifting through data silos created by using multiple tools can lead to undetected policy violations and resulting configuration drift to persist across cloud environments. This leaves cloud governance standards inconsistently implemented in growing public cloud infrastructure which manifests as cost overruns, increasing risk of a security breach, and performance issues.

To build and maintain a compliant multi-cloud infrastructure that supports the demands of quick delivery of next-gen apps such as generative AI, leverage the VMware Tanzu Guardrails for unified policy management and to continuously and consistently enforce standards that help regulate cost, reduce risk, and optimize performance from Day 0 to Day N.

If you’re attending VMware Explore in Las Vegas, leverage hands-on labs to experience the service, and drop by the demo booth to talk with our experts. Check out our program guide for the event.  

Learn more about VMware Tanzu Guardrails: