vRealize Log Insight Cloud

What’s NEW! vRealize Log Insight Cloud (March 2022)

Another month, another set of exciting features for vRealize Log Insight Cloud! As you may already know, we have rapid delivery of vRealize Log Insight Cloud capabilities with a monthly cadence for your log analytics. Let’s jump right into it…..

Expanded Regional Availability

New geographic availability in Asia Pacific (Mumbai, India). This will be in addition to the available geographic locations for vRealize Log Insight Cloud:

  • US West (Oregon)
  • Europe (London, Frankfurt)
  • Canada (Central)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo, Sydney, Singapore)
  • South America (Sao Paulo)

To see where all VMware vRealize Cloud Management services are available globally, please visit: 


Dark Mode

Some say dark mode makes it easier and healthier to read text against a dark background as it reduces eye strain but I think just looks slick!….making it much easier to visualize alerts, events, dashboard and more. Check out the screenshots below:

Query Usage and Reporting

Cost and capacity limitations are real dilemmas for any log management solution. IT teams are split between filtering out log data for cost savings or keeping everything for complete observability. 

The log partition usage reporting provides better data management for data-at-scale to meet specific use cases with optimal performance and in-frequent queries. With the ingestion and storage transparency in real-time, you will be able to quickly recognize usage trends, make adjustments to log ingestion rules and subscription plans to fit every budget.

Subscription Manager Integration

I’ll rewind real quick to my last blog real quick:

The free-trial limit has been increased to 15GB/day log ingestion with 30-day data retention. Once the trial period has expired, we’ve also increased the freemium limits to 5GB/day log ingestion with 7-day log retention that you’ll get FOREVER!

With the integration to our VMware Subscription Manager service, you’ll be able to move to the full version to meet your log management and capacity requirements with a click of a button and be activated in minutes. Not only will you be able to select the plan that caters to exactly your business needs for log ingestion, storage type, and retention period but you will can do so with ZERO data and configuration loss.

For more information:

To learn more on vRealize Log Insight, vRealize Log Insight Cloud, and other vRealize products, I invite you to check out our new VMware Pathfinder site that covers detailed usage for:

  • Troubleshooting
  • Interactive Analytics
  • Dashboards & Content Packs
  • Agent Installation
  • Architecture
Graphical user interface, application, websiteDescription automatically generated

Topics are covered at level 100 to 300 plus hands-on training!

Be sure to also to check up on the latest RELEASE NOTES as well