vRealize Log Insight Cloud

What’s NEW! vRealize Log Insight Cloud (January 2022)

I’m happy to share our first release of 2022 for vRealize Log Insight Cloud! As you may already know, we have rapid delivery of vRealize Log Insight Cloud capabilities with a monthly cadence for your business needs. Let’s jump right into it…..

Index and Non-Index Log Partitions

VMware announces the arrival of petabyte scale, index-free log partitions to meet enterprise data retention needs with vRealize Log Insight Cloud. With index and non-index Log Partitions, this enhances functionality for Multi-Cloud Log Observability use cases for native public clouds (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform) and VMware Cloud (VMware Cloud on AWS, Azure VMware Solutions, Google Cloud VMware Engine, Oracle Cloud VMware Solutions) and of course, your VMware software-defined-datacenter.

Storing, indexing, and managing all log data in traditional log management solutions can be prohibitively expensive as cloud-scale applications can generate millions of log events a minute. Different types of data fall under different compliance regulations. The log partitions provide flexible options to filter and process logs based on your specific requirements.

If you have data that requires long term retention, but is infrequently accessed, log partitions provide cost savings by placing this log data in a non-indexed partition at a lower cost.

You also have the flexibility to change the processing order of your partitions so the logs flow into the most restrictive partition for compliance requirements. If you find yourself needing to constantly query data from a non-index partition, you can also move log from non-indexed to indexed partitions.

Index vs Non-Index Support Matrix

Ingestion and Storage Summary

Costs are exploding as data is exponentially increasing which require cost effective storage. IT Ops and DevOps teams are being forced with a dilemma to filter out log data for economical reasons or ingest all logs for complete observability. With real-time ingestion and storage overviews, you can visualize exactly how much log data is being ingested and which partitions are filling up the fastest based on your data segmentation. Out of the box dashboards will highlight the top partitions in your environment (you can create up to 10 partitions).

Cloud Native Collector

​The Cloud Native Collector is a Docker container that can be installed on any cloud. It provides log aggregation and configuration management that can be configured to forward logs to vRealize Log Insight Cloud – giving you that complete ability to ingest logs from anywhere without any capacity limitations.

Get Started!

We’ve upped the ante and increased the free-trial limit to 15GB/day log ingestion with 10-day data retention. Once the trial period has expired, we’ve also increased the freemium limits to 5GB/day log ingestion with 7-day log retention that you’ll get FOREVER!

If you haven’t already, sign to get started on your vRealize Log Insight Cloud trial test drive! Within minutes, you’ll be able to spin up your own vRealize Log Insight Cloud instance, start ingesting logs from anywhere (your VMware SDDC to public clouds such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform) or send specific logs of interest to any existing tool.

Learn More:

To learn more on vRealize Log Insight, vRealize Log Insight Cloud, and other vRealize products, I invite you to check out our new VMware Pathfinder site that covers detailed usage for:

  • Troubleshooting
  • Interactive Analytics
  • Dashboards & Content Packs
  • Agent Installation
  • Architecture
Graphical user interface, application, websiteDescription automatically generated

Topics are covered at level 100 to 300 plus hands-on training!

Be sure to also to check up on the latest RELEASE NOTES as well