Financial Management Migration Success Stories

Experian Simplifies Cloud Cost Management and Optimization with CloudHealth by VMware

Since working with CloudHealth by VMware, Experian has simplified cloud cost management and optimization, achieving 100% visibility into their multi-cloud environment and saving a total of about $1.7 million in cloud costs to date.

Experian is a leading information services company with more than 16,000 employees located in 37 countries around the world. For more than 125 years, the company has been committed to helping businesses and consumers use data to solve problems, drive better decisions, and improve their financial positions.

Accelerating their cloud journey

Experian relies on the cloud to gather, analyze, and process data at a massive scale for their global customers, using Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Oracle Cloud to power their multi-cloud strategy. 

With a large and distributed cloud footprint that was scaling at a rapid rate, Experian wanted to implement a cloud management solution that could simplify cloud cost management and optimization. They conducted an extensive review of cloud management platforms, including CloudHealth by VMware and CloudCheckr, to ensure they chose the tool that would provide the most value to their growing enterprise.

Ultimately, CloudHealth stood above and beyond its competitors in all areas, including key capabilities Experian needed in multi-cloud visibility, financial management, and operations.

We see enormous value within CloudHealth to support asset management.

Vinay Rudrappa

Director of Cloud Engineering Services, Experian

Establishing a Cloud Center of Excellence

As a result of Experian’s significant cloud growth, they established a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) to help formalize and execute their cloud strategy. Known internally as the Cloud Business Office (CBO), this committee includes key stakeholders from each team across the organization to analyze spend, implement standards and policies, and identify areas for optimization.

Vinay Rudrappa, the Director of Cloud Engineering Services at Experian, was brought in to establish the CBO, which is now composed of representatives from security, compliance, architecture, and cloud engineering teams, and a designated CTO.

Success with CloudHealth

The Cloud Business Office helped lead the adoption of CloudHealth enterprise-wide. As a result, Experian has achieved 100% visibility into their multi-cloud environment, with the ability to take action on data and dive deep to understand optimization and savings opportunities. 

In particular, Experian’s finance team uses CloudHealth’s reporting features to see cloud spend broken down by region, asset, and over time. They’ve also seen significant benefits from CloudHealth’s rightsizing and recommendations capabilities, specifically for AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances in their AWS environment, where most workloads are hosted.

In the CBO’s first quarterly review meeting after working with CloudHealth, they identified close to $90K in cost savings each month, amounting to more than $1 million in annual savings! To date, Experian has seen a total of about $1.7 million in savings opportunities.

There’s no question that CloudHealth has provided a tremendous amount of value.

Vinay Rudrappa

Director of Cloud Engineering Services, Experian

Moving forward, Vinay says they will be focused on using CloudHealth even further: “I want to get to a stage where the business unit teams become more well-versed with CloudHealth and they can adopt it further. There’s no question that CloudHealth has provided a tremendous amount of value.”

Learn more about Experian’s cloud journey in the complete case study here: Experian Adopts CloudHealth by VMware Enterprise-Wide to Proactively Scale Cloud Environment or feel free to get in touch with the CloudHealth team directly by following this link here.