Migration Optimization Tips

Webinar: Best Practices For A Successful Cloud Center Of Excellence

Organizations that have embraced the public cloud are likely familiar with the concept of a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE). As a cloud environment grows, the implications often reach several different teams and departments throughout the organization. While it may be known by a number of different names, such as cloud business office or cloud strategy office, the objective of the CCoE is the same—to align all the stakeholders who can manage these implications to implement best practices and govern organization-wide usage to get the most value out of the cloud.

While the concept sounds fundamental enough—any investment should be followed by alignment to make sure the value is delivered—the execution often falls short. The teams affected might agree on the core objectives, but struggle to follow through on deliverables as focus is given to competing priorities. This can compound the problem. As the cloud environment grows in size and complexity, the financial, operational, and security implications become both more severe and more difficult to control without collaboration among those who can manage them.

Over the years, we’ve worked with thousands of organizations at different stages of cloud maturity. Those at the highest levels of maturity often have one thing in common—an effective Cloud Center of Excellence. 

On Thursday, June 18, Redmond Magazine is hosting a webinar that will provide practical recommendations based on proven best practices that have helped CloudHealth customers organize and operate a successful Cloud Center of Excellence.

Join this session to learn:

  • The importance of a Cloud Center of Excellence for managing organization-wide cloud financial management, operations, and security and compliance
  • The internal stakeholders to include to play key roles in your Cloud Center of Excellence
  • Lessons learned and best practices for cloud management aligned to our maturity model 

When organized correctly, the Cloud Center of Excellence can enable the organization to reap the benefits that initially drew them to the public cloud. Don’t miss this session to see how successful cloud strategies organizations have been able to accomplish that.

Register for the webinar here.