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Cloud Automation Samples: GitHub Project for Automation Content

This blog is authored by Mandy Botsko-Wilson Principal Customer Success Architect (@virtualMBW) at VMware, and Amanda Blevins (@AmanadaBlev),Chief Technologist at VMware.


New GitHub Project! Cloud Automation Samples

VMware is committed to multi-cloud. Our on-premises and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions provide support for VMware based clouds and popular public cloud providers. This includes native public clouds such as GCP, AWS, and Azure with and without vSphere. The cloud automation samples GitHub project provides sample blueprints, CI/CD pipelines, multi-tier applications, monitoring configuration, and more. This code gives you examples to allow you to easily provision, manage, and monitor applications to public, private, and hybrid clouds.

Blueprints, Pipelines and Ecosystem Content

Blueprints are the backbone of VMware’s Cloud Assembly. Blueprints are yaml files that enable a cloud agnostic infrastructure-as-code approach to deploy and manage native cloud services, virtual machines, containers, and entire applications. VMware’s Code Stream is a platform to create and manage your entire infrastructure and application CI/CD pipeline to any cloud, vSphere-based or not, with integrations to all release and testing tools with available APIs. Cloud automation samples code can easily be downloaded and deployed. Or, where appropriate, it can be pulled directly from GitHub into your own Cloud Assembly instance.

Cloud automation samples also hosts code to integrate common enterprise solutions such as ServiceNow and F5. Cloud Assembly integration capabilities using action-based extensibility (ABX) and vRealize Orchestrator remove the complexity of automating all tools and processes used in the enterprise to release software from development through production.

Join Cloud Automation Samples and Help Us Expand Our Content

We encourage you to use your skills and knowledge to build more integrations to cloud services and enterprise software with VMware’s solutions. If you have created a blueprint or pipeline you want to make available to others, share it with us through the cloud automation samples GitHub project! Our team will review the code and work with you to add it to the project. Our goal is to create a strong, diverse, and inclusive community across the industry who are passionate about deploying and managing applications in multiple clouds. There are many ways to support Open Source. If you see an issue in the code or documentation that is published in the cloud automation samples project, please submit your corrections. All are welcome to collaborate and contribute. The cloud automation samples VMware team will continue to add new code to the project that addresses real use cases. Visit often and provide feedback on how these infrastructure-as-code, CI/CD, and integration samples function in your environment!

Start With A Free Trial

Cloud Assembly and Code Stream along with Service Broker are part of vRealize Automation Cloud.

If you haven’t already, you can get started with a free trial now!

Visit our website to learn more.