There are some great new capabilities and enhancements in vRealize Operations 6.7 (vROps).  In this blog we would like to give you an overview of two really big changes to vRealize Operations 6.7.


New Capacity Analytics Engine

Private Cloud Costing

Simplify, simplify, simplify!  This has been one of the big drivers for the new capacity analytics engine in vRealize Operations 6.7 in addition to many others like Quick Time to Value.

There are many new features, including:


  • Real-time predictive capacity analytics.  Capacity updates are available immediately after changes occur, for example: if you are in the process of reclaiming capacity, right after you are done, you can go back and assess capacity and see the reflected updates!
  • Forward-looking forecast that includes both an upper and a lower confidence band.  vRealize Operations leverages historical data and statistical modelling of demand behavior to forecast capacity with high confidence.
  • Simplified settings by defining and applying your organizations “business Intent”.  Organizations want things to be simple, for example “here are my business requirements at ACME Corp. Now vROps, tell me what I need to know and what I need to do”.
  • Improved capacity accuracy for Time Remaining, Capacity Remaining, and Right-Sizing used for Capacity Planning use cases, including Workload Optimization.  There are many workload optimization use cases like Initial Placement, Balancing, Densification and Consolidation and you need accurate and real-time capacity analytics to feed these use cases.
  • Plan capacity for future projects and changes.  Run a What-If capacity scenario to add workloads, and see where it would fit, but also see how much it would cost you in both Private and Public Cloud.
  • Integrated costing with capacity.  Chances are you’ve heard me say this before “If you can’t measure it, how can you manage it?”  The trend has been that more and more organizations NEED to see cost data alongside the capacity and infrastructure data.  Assessing the cost of running the environment, and discovering the cost savings opportunities is now native to vRealize Operations.


Lets walk through a few vRealize Operations Capacity workflows to show you some of these capabilities.  Assess Capacity, Reclaim Capacity, Plan Capacity, and Assess Costs.


The image below is from the new Quick Start page of vRealize Operations.  This area focuses on Capacity and Private Cloud Costing.


Assess Capacity


Assess the capacity of each of your Datacenters.  View them sorted by criticality, and leverage the recommendations to reclaim capacity and/or perform Workload Optimization actions and/or purchase hardware.  View the Datacenter Clusters utilization and notice that the selected cluster is out of CPU resources (0 days remaining)


Reclaim Capacity

Before thinking about purchasing new hardware, it’s best to look at capacity reclamation opportunities.  vRealize Operations can help you do just that.  View each of your datacenters and the associated capacity reclamation opportunities as well as the cost savings opportunities that go along with that.  Right from this page, view the VM reclamation categories such as Powered Off, Idle, Snapshots, and Oversized VMs, and take action right here, right now!  It’s also possible for you to exclude VMs from consideration here if you wish.


Plan Capacity

The business never stops!  More and more workloads are coming online all the time.  Let’s plan for these added workloads.  Provide the workload’s desired configuration, the target datacenter, then run the scenario.   Oh ya, and if you want to use existing VM configuration in the scenario, you can do that too.  The scenario will run, and report on the datacenter and where the workloads will fit.  It will also provide the associated cost.  You can change the target Datacenters and clusters in context and re-run the scenario.  You will also get a comparison of how much it will cost in VMware Cloud on AWS and in native AWS.  This allows you to make data-driven decisions for new workloads regardless of wether you place them in the Private Cloud or the Public Cloud.


Assess Costs

Costing is widely available throughout the areas we’ve discussed so far.  Although there are Cost Drivers and a Cost Reference Database out of the box, you have the ability to modify and update these to more accurately reflect the costs in your environment.  For example, we may have a Dell Host Server priced at x Dollars, but with a discount on the hardware.  This cost adjustment is easy to make.  The point is, YOU have the POWER to update and influence the cost numbers to be even more accurate for you!

Below, we can see the inventory of the private cloud environment, and we can see the Total Cost of Ownership.  We can see the Cluster and Datastore costs in each of the Datacenters.  We can also see the most and least expensive clusters.




vRealize Operations 6.7 has made some incredible improvements inspired by many of you who continue to challenge VMware and the Cloud Management Business Unit to do better!  Thank you!  The new capacity engine and the integrated costing are just scratching the surface of what vRealize Operations and vRealize Suite can help you with.  I hope you enjoy this release!


Download and Try vRealize Operations here!


For more technical resources please visit the VMware vRealize Suite Technical Guides site and leverage the following tiles:



This blog is published in collaboration with Chima Njaka, Group Product Line Manager at VMware Inc.